Design Addict


applications for th...

applications for this?  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
29/08/2010 12:02 pm  

Been going through old files and ideas out of boredom...had one stolen a while ago but even if I live to a 150 I'll never get every idea made real so I'll post these.

I think they have potential, they are just textured paper glued and vacuum pressed onto board, one is simply crumpled and crushed red card layed flat and shellaced, the other is paper layed over dry twigs (could be leaves, whatever) perhaps they could be sprayed chalky white for a plaster relief sort of look? I also tried it with very thin polished aluminium (roof flashing), have access to a steel roll press and that looked quite good but no photos of that. Would really like to try it with heated super plastic aluminium but my press isn't hot and that alloy is unavailable here.

Wall panels, brass, ceiling tiles, cabinet doors, folding screen?

Brass crocodile skin was the real fantasy but getting hold of a croc skin and making a cast and mold proved difficult, its outrageously expensive and despite being Australian wrestling crocodiles isn't my forte.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 659
30/08/2010 6:20 am  

I like it!!
In the first can be seen the technique, and the second...UUUFFF! WOW!,
The second you made is extremely great and inspiring. Thanks for posting that.
About applications, some people use them to make lamp shades. By the way I should do one that I sold yesterday should be ready in 10 days, I should take a picture then to post. For that use, fabric is a little more subtle than paper I think.
When you said that recall me some papers made in, if I remember well, Indonesia or Philippines, they were hand made papers made with leaves inside, etc. Someone imported them here when the exchange rate was good for that. I heard the proximity between Australia and China, had some effects on your economy/way of life (even bigger than other countries importing from China).
I wonder if this technique had something to do with what I saw, I mean if there is some relation with that or is just a coincidence. (And sorry if it?s not Indonesia or Philippines, and if they are not as close to you as could be seen from here). But provably is just a coincidence.
But what you made is very much more subtle, in white... Thanks for sharing.
Wall panels sounds great too.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
30/08/2010 7:20 am  

Thanks, there is a SE Asian p...
Thanks, there is a SE Asian paper that I can get that you would like, its is either made fro banana or reject silk fibres, laminated to card it is extraordinarily tough and looks amazing illuminated, almost like aged fibreglass.
China and mining has been the death of Australian manufacturing, I spit on my government and fellow citizens.


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