Design Addict


advice on product d...

advice on product design  


New Member
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 1
24/09/2015 10:00 am  

hello i've been a regular viewer as of late and decided to sign up the other day because i'm in a bit of a jam and thought the demographic here would be of some help.

I am currently studying furniture design and I've been asked to redesign a product produced by a certain company and i have, made a note of the trends that run through their design but my page feels blank i know i need to add more but i stumped in what direction to look at, the ergonomics are not an issue at this point as its visual research so its basically just the visual aesthetic, I've mentioned visual density and co lour and texture are a null point because its all made of wood

i am desperate for some advice and would welcome any anyone would give me.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 2313
24/09/2015 6:09 pm  

Read Seth Stem's book "Designing Furniture". ISBN: 0-942391-02-0


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