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Who's your favourit...

Who's your favourite designer and why?  

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07/08/2007 5:24 am  

Just thought it'd be interesting to see other people's opinions.

Illustrious Member
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07/08/2007 7:28 am  

George Nelson love ever...
George Nelson love every thing he made and his clocks and bubble lamps even thoe is office designed the marshmallow sofa i love it, the bench is great and the swag leg tables, but those bubble lamps and clocks just were so perfect 50 years later they are still perfect.
I also like Arne Jacobsen the two chairs the swan and the egg I own both and love them he was a genius and ahead of his time,

Illustrious Member
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07/08/2007 1:17 pm  

Morrison & Eames
All of our seating by the Eames duo and I love how simple and comfortable they look and feel. Jasper Morrison's work with cork and lighting has really caught my eye, I picked up a Vitra stool and plan on getting either a Glo-Ball or Luxmaster soon. I agree with LRF too, George Nelson is great and I love our miniature chest.

Illustrious Member
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07/08/2007 7:34 pm  

Saarinen for his simplicity
and the way his designs harmonize in almost any setting.Furthermore,the comfort level and functionality of his furniture is amazing.The same can be said about Eames and Nelson,of course!

Illustrious Member
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07/08/2007 8:24 pm  

I love most of the designs...
I love most of the designs of Panton,Paulin and Nelson but right now Im going through a deep fascination with Milo Baughman.
The name Baughman has now become an ebay tag word for something chrome like Eames and Panton are for anything MCM or colourful.
I find it amazing that so little reference to him exists in the "Design" books and the web.There also seems to be a huge amount of furniture wrongly attributed to him.
I particularly love his chair designs and especially what he does with the back of them.The seeming over complication of bars and support yet it couldnt be more perfect in my eyes.
There are a few others worth checking out if you like Baughman.They are Willy Rizzo,Pace collection and Maison Jansen

Illustrious Member
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07/08/2007 10:23 pm  

My favorite is Eames, Nelson,...
My favorite is Eames, Nelson, and Saarinen. I know, they're the big three, but for good reason.
I love Eames for the design process more than anything. I love Nelson for his insights on design. I love Saarinen for being so ahead of his time and his real-world design solutions for extreme comfort and aesthetics.
Now what would be interesting is to see who we don't like (without arguement of course). I'll go first.
Baughman - His designs don't seem classic to me. I don't like his use of scale. Many pieces seem generic to me.
Panton - He has no use of constraint in form or color. He goes overboard. I like some of his lighting and a seat or two, but would probably never buy it. If I did it would be one piece max.
I love Finn Juhl's earlier work, but the later stuff (like the sofa with "wings") is just too showy.
All that being said, I tend to stay with a somewhat neutral palette, with splashes of color. I like steel, wood, and upholstery. I'm not terribly fond of wild organic shapes.

Illustrious Member
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08/08/2007 10:08 am  

julius shulman says his favoite architect
I picked up a book today about Julius
Shulman world famous photographer of architecture and the author of the book ask him who was his favorite architect.. and I thought that would be approiate for this thread and i quote,
In terms of creative ability Frank Lloyd Wright As time passes , the image of Frank Lloyd Wright is still with us more than any other architect, Mies is famous for his modern architecture and Neutra, yes, But Frank goes on forever, Wright is respected for the physical quality of his work and his thorough design....Interiors ,exteriors,lighting,fixtures, furniture,I thought this was very interesting since this guy has photographed almost every designer architect in the last 70 years
He is 92

Illustrious Member
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08/08/2007 10:25 am  

I agree on your top three but i have grown to love Milo Baughman I at first did not like him to 70's and to commercial but since i have been really studying him and his work with Theyer Coggin I have grown to love him He first worked with Glenn of California with Greta Grossman Magnessen doing basic wood pieces that you would think were from Denmark 53 years ago he signed on with Theyer Coggin a middle of the road furniture maker from South Carolina They gave the guy absolute free rain to do what ever he liked any thing goes and he did, during the early 60's he came up with some of the most innovative designs for a American, His work has been copied by more designers and his name is now like the word Kleenex, when it comes to chrome,lucite and wood . His furniture is experiencing the highest prices at auctions and a total revitalization, He is around 83 years old lives in Utah were he works on public works projects
the other guy you mentioned and you can see from my pictures i love is Verner Panton he was the POP 60's the original clockwork orange or 2001 a space odyssey he just had so many great funky ideas, hard to believe he came out of the teak wood capital of the world Denmark . but i love him cause he was a free thinker and a totally modern guy who got it correct in his chairs and his lighting and his color choices one great designer, who furniture is some upped in a word FUN

Illustrious Member
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08/08/2007 11:43 am  

Perhaps I don't like my interior to be "fun," and that probably sums up the reason I don't like POP at all. POP seems very unnatural to me, almost contrary to human emotion. It seems to cover up the human condition with color and glitz. Perhaps POP was just a foretelling of the Post Modern movement to come? It went from "human" to "fun" to "sarcastic" perhaps?

Illustrious Member
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08/08/2007 12:43 pm  

Theres the difference right...
Theres the difference right there.I Love Pop it makes me happy and on the other hand the majority of Rosewood and Teak Danish style furniture seems dowdy,dull and depressing to me.

Illustrious Member
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08/08/2007 2:09 pm  

While I love the Danish stuff...
While I love the Danish stuff, my interest seems to be more in the "case study" category of design. Danish would be my next favorite. I like some mixed in with the aforementioned favorite. I do like them to have small punches of color.
If you could describe my taste in interiors, it would be the Eamesian/Girard aesthetic ... Understated modern pieces with eclectic etcetera.

Illustrious Member
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09/08/2007 12:59 am  

Killian I swear i could not have said that any better if it came out of my own mind and words,
POP makes me happy , I don't need dowdy or boring in my life I love color Teak is a o.k. but yea for chrome, lucite,
Baughman, Panton, Jacobsen,Nelson, Probber, Kagan,Karl Springer,the three Pauls Evans,Lazlo,Frankel all of these people did a great job in the design world .

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09/08/2007 1:16 am  

I really couldn't tell you.
Then again I combine teak and pop and whatever tickles my fancy.

Illustrious Member
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09/08/2007 1:40 am  

"I don't need dowdy or boring...
"I don't need dowdy or boring in my life I love color Teak is a o.k."
I wouldn't call Danish design boring. It takes a discerning eye to enjoy the subtle details. It isn't hard to "notice" POP. It is immediately recognizable and takes no effort to realize it's uniqueness.

Illustrious Member
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09/08/2007 1:42 am  

The best designs in my...
The best designs in my opinion are those that don't force a particular emotion. Not happy, not drab, simply a neutral palette for the emotions that are truly there. They magnify the happy feeling that already exists in you. For example, Nelson's miniature chest is neither happy nor sad. It simply is a joy to use within a life that is already enjoyable.

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