Design Addict


Wheres Olive?.  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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22/04/2007 12:29 pm  

damn, maybe this will work properly

Illustrious Member
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22/04/2007 12:32 pm  

oh dear,
James, why didn't that work?

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 279
22/04/2007 2:56 pm  

I think olive look like...
I rather imagine Olive looks a little like actress, Claire Daines. But hey, I could be wrong.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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22/04/2007 3:24 pm  

What a cool couple you are!, you look like a screenshot from some kind of cult movie!.Far out...

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 522
22/04/2007 8:29 pm  

Regarding green, with Earth...
Regarding green, with Earth Day on our minds, even the Sunday newspaper ads for the big box stores, such as Home Depot, gave a nod to ecology.
Someone else in another thread made mention of an example that may indicate environmental concerns are entering the collective consciousness (I think the post had to do with green packaging). Here, in Nebraska, with ethanol production about to go into full swing, there was a front page story today regarding its potential ecological impact. The fencerow to fencerow mentality is firmly planted here, make no mistake, our water tables will be dropping at a much faster rate over the next few years, and what little is left of that will be more laced with chemical fertilizers and pesticides than ever, but it is good to see that these extremely critical issues are at least now being discussed. There are, it appears, other alternatives for fuel. But noboby, as a far as I know, has come up with one for water.

Illustrious Member
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22/04/2007 9:35 pm  


Illustrious Member
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22/04/2007 9:37 pm  

Great picture ! (You forgot the around everything.)

Illustrious Member
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22/04/2007 11:10 pm  

I think you all ahve gotten a spring friskiness going on!
Whitespike 'dig' the 60's vibe in your photo. Where's the martini's?
Stephen, wierdly I do kind of look like Claire Danes...only middle-aged, more skandanavian and 6ft tall with linebacker shoulders. (which have more than once had me called 'sir' when spoken to from my back) The skandavik part are my cheekbones which could land a 747, well those and real blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Maybe I'll feel brave and post a shot later when the cowhide arrives. But I like the anonymity, so maybe not.
I've got some orange Earth Day trash bags to go fill...later all.

Noble Member
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Posts: 279
23/04/2007 6:12 am lucky devil
Whitespike...she is gorgeous. You're not so bad either, a little Grizzly Adams, but not bad. But your woman. Ohhh...she would look lovely in my pierre paulin tulip chair. My wife might have something to say about it though.

Illustrious Member
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23/04/2007 7:24 pm  

Whitespike, You look like the love child of Jack Nicholson and Patty Hearst. The little missus (white vent?) looks as sweet as apple pie. Great photo. Others anyone??

Illustrious Member
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23/04/2007 10:10 pm  

I can not see anything...
wrong with relationships on this forum becoming more personal. I might confess that I have exchanged e-mails with (in order of appearance): HP or Heath,Olive,Azurechicken,Michael,DcWilson and others on matters not directly related to design. I think it is a good habit to keep this forum the way it was intended, as "An interactive place to share your questions and reflections about
modern & post-modern design". Vivienne's start of this tread was quite pertinent because she just asked a question that several of us were asking ourselfs. Unfortunately these things seem to evolve and grow...
My point of view is that there comes a point where a "forum" can not play the role of a private conversation i.c. an e-mail.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 522
24/04/2007 12:02 am  

That was kind of my thought a...
That was kind of my thought as well Koen. I've been considering these things more, especially so after I recently made a couple of reactionary posts greatly lacking in civility on another thread that I ended up regretting. In that case, after clicking the reply button, the feeling I had is that one you get right after you get out of your car and swing the locked door shut realizing the keys are still in the ignition.
There is an alternative to discussion/communication that does not require public discourse, and indeed, in certain cases, is probably more appropriate to be conducted privately. I would go a step further, though, and say it might in fact be the case that certain topics are probably always going to be best discussed in private, if at all, for sure not in a public space, certainly when we consider that many of us here, despite the general conviviality of this forum, are little more than cyber acquaintances.
So, as the guy standing next to his car with the coat hanger hoping to get the door unlocked without having to pay the locksmith, I want to apologize to everyone for my part in all of this.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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24/04/2007 12:42 am  

Well thanks for the complimen...
Well thanks for the compliments. I agree I am not quite the looker as my woman, but hell, my ability to have such a catch has to say something!

Illustrious Member
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26/10/2007 3:55 pm  

Dear Olive:
I wanted to comment you something since some months ago(by mail), and I thought that asking here It could the best place.
I didn,t know if to do it or not now, (may be was too late) but re-reading some of the above,s comments (specially Koen,s one) I thought that the spirit of what I want to say fitted with that and supported it. So I funded this, the best available tool at my hands to fix the misunderstanding.
I feel this site like a family (as cousin Vivienne said), and although we could have a disconnection with our relatives sometimes, I don,t want you to feel uncomfortable because of me. You know I specially respect older members of families, as I respectfully consider you (as well as Dcwill, koen, StephanSDR, HealthHP, Mandersen,azure, gerrit etc etc gerrit -where is gerrit?by the way)and although I,m not a newborn baby here, you could feel I was a bit impertinent as younger teenagers sometimes are.
I don,t want than, because a little misunderstanding, all the positive things we could produce here, can be overshadows or even canceled.
I have to say that most of the times, I agree with your point of view, I enjoy your posts, and l always learn from them.
On the other side (let,s say 20%) of the times, I don,t agree with you or aren,t your posts of my interest at the moment, But then I think that those differences are the ones that could make this a richer knowledge exchanging experience.
If you think that we could fix this miscommunication, deleting by our self those posts, as you suggested, please tell me, and then first time will try this, (how could a thread evolve/change), thanks to this new technological advantage P&A provided. (P&A, are the DA family owner,s house then?)
I honestly want to trust that the misunderstanding was just a linguistic and cultural one.
Please accept my sincerely apologizes if I said something that disturbed you.
Warm Regards
Gustavo Moreno

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2201
27/10/2007 1:55 am  

Oh Heavens!
Please, gustavo, don't worry about it! Discussion, disagreement and occasionaly bickering is what a forum lives for! And my apologies to you if you felt you'd offended me! I certainly didn't mean to offend you if I did so.

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