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Where can I get thr...

Where can I get three Pollock chair buttons?  

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vintage damage
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27/09/2010 1:11 pm  

They are to be non-gloss, black leather, size 22, tufting buttons for some Knoll Pollock chairs. I have tried three upholsterers, one major supply house, extensive e-searching, and I have tried the original button manufacturer in Germany. Knoll tells me to contact retailers who won't even answer my emails (Herman Miller pulls the same routine for their parts).
If I can get some Knoll leather, I may be able to shave it down and cover some blanks.
Any ideas are welcome.

Illustrious Member
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27/09/2010 1:56 pm  

"Any ideas are welcome." Bring a puppy and a pocketknife to your local Knoll showroom. Let the dog loose; while the staff is distracted, cut three buttons off demo chairs.

Illustrious Member
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27/09/2010 6:52 pm  

Whom did you contact at Knoll? I got a Bertoia glide from them a while back with no problems. I can see if I still have the email if you like....

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27/09/2010 8:32 pm  

NOT exactly the same, but...
This one worked for me! I was missing one button on the seat, but replaced 2 just to match.

vintage damage
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28/09/2010 2:49 am  

Wow, responses!
FASTFWD, If you answer a question out of context it really needs to be funny.
WOODYWOOD, I used the contact info from and I messaged @knoll_inc on Twitter. Both suggested that I contact a Knoll retailer. I sent emails to two stores and, after a couple of weeks, sent a civil follow-up to the bigger store but got no responses. If you have an insider, I will set up a safe way for you to send that info without ruining it with a public post. Then you could share as you see fit. Thanks for the input.
TK, Thanks for setting up the link. I found something similar at a local sewing store but am still holding out, for now.

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28/09/2010 3:37 am  

Try calling Knoll directly...
Try calling Knoll directly instead of just emailing. I had them send out some small pieces I was missing free of charge. I'm sure they have buttons around.
If you don't have any luck, try to call the Knoll museum or whatever it is called. They might be able to help, too.
Good luck!

Illustrious Member
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28/09/2010 5:53 am  

It appears that I may have deleted the email. I will keep looking. My initial contact was made through the email form on the Knoll website though.

vintage damage
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28/09/2010 6:36 am  

Previous Knoll relationship?
I'm wondering if you guys have a history of larger Knoll purchases? I have no history with them and may be an untouchable for it.
Hey Woodywood, That's very cool of you to look for the address. But I think that, short of an insider contact, I will just try a more direct approach as mjf451 (!) has suggested.

Illustrious Member
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28/09/2010 7:02 am  

Wait... You contacted Knoll by sending a tweet?
I suggested stealing the buttons because it sounded from your initial post as though you'd already exhausted all the more-reasonable options (plus, who doesn't like puppy pictures?). I didn't realize that you had made only superficial attempts to reach Knoll's parts department.
Knoll has over 3000 employees. The Marketing intern who manages the corporate Twitter account isn't in charge of distributing replacement buttons to customers. You should do what people used to do in the old days when they wanted to get stuff done: Pick up the phone. Knoll's main number is 800 343-5665.
I've never had a problem getting replacement parts from them when I've called:

Illustrious Member
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28/09/2010 8:32 am  

I agree
Call them, if you haven't gotten the desired response via email.
P.S. twitter is the worst thing to ever happen to the internetz.
Flash comes in a distant second.

Pegboard Modern
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28/09/2010 8:48 am  

Who says we are not a helpful bunch?

vintage damage
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28/09/2010 10:28 am  

Fastfwd, slow down
yes, I contacted @Knoll_inc on Twitter. Now go back and read this thread to see that my contact was not limited to that and to see that twitter was one among many things that I tried. The phone plan was already suggested and responded to.
I do a lot of business through email. Welcome to the 21st century. Your excuse for the puppy nuisance is clearly disingenuous. Without knowing more about you I am reluctant to respond further other than to point out that you need to write things out before hand and come back to them for review. I don't believe that you intend to come across the way that you do and I have seen other examples, of your posts, that are very similar to what you have done here.
I find twitter to be an excellent source for leads on art and design. It also helps me to better consolidate my own interests. None of the 700 tweeters that I follow fit the media hyped stereotype that regularly broadcasts his mundane moment-to-moment life. If you guys haven't made it work for you, fine. You are mistaken to be hostile about it.

Illustrious Member
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28/09/2010 12:00 pm  

Ok, let me make sure I understand.
1. You don't like puppies.
2. You're not embarrassed to say "the 700 tweeters I follow" in public.
3. You're planning to follow my advice to phone Knoll, but
4. you don't think it's appropriate to thank me for it. Instead,
5. you'd rather defend your original communication method -- the one that didn't work at all.
Is that about right?
Look, I can see that we've gotten off on the wrong foot here, and I might be bothered by that if I thought it would affect my relationship (such as it is) with you. But it won't; if I have something to say, I'll answer the next question you post, too, regardless of whether you dislike puppies or think that "consolidating your interests" via text messages is an effective use of your time.
Good luck with those buttons.

vintage damage
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28/09/2010 1:20 pm  

Are you drunk or do you have a condition? That is not intended as an insult to you or drunks etc. I want for you to see that you need work. At this point I have a right to say something.
1. I used to be the "go-to" guy when students found messed up puppies on the street (this is L.A.). The issue is not puppy pictures. It was your flat attempt to mock part of my question. 
2. You cannot make it work for you. Millions of adults do. That's why we are there. 
3. Are you attempting to steal credit or do you need to answer the title question? It was mjf451 who I acknowledged and thanked subtly. 
4. I didn't thank you because the only thing that you brought to the table,which could possibly be of use, was the phone # which we in the 21st can find in less than a minute and I think that you can understand why I am not a big fan of yours. 
5. In reference to this search, I only said that I had tried Twitter, and many other avenues. I don't usually use it for finding parts and did not defend it for that.  
Again, read the thread and give yourself a little time. Yes, I too will still answer your Q.s when I am around and have something to offer. I would appreciate it if you take my advice (*) when responding to my posts. If you were on Twitter I would ask you to D.M. me about my title and we could have an interesting private discussion.

Illustrious Member
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28/09/2010 9:52 pm  

Whenever anyone says it's not about the puppy pictures,
it's about the puppy pictures.

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