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What was your most ...

What was your most exciting find?  

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Lisa E
Honorable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 121
29/04/2010 7:58 pm  

mine was finding an early Eames slunk skin LCW at a garage sale for $25.00 at 1pm in the afternoon!
Please share your story weather you found your most coveted item in a retail shop or on someones curbside put out for trash. I hope I'm not the only one who loves to hear of other peoples discoveries.

Illustrious Member
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29/04/2010 8:46 pm  

There are two huge threads
on this topic already, Lisa, just search for them in the forum search bar.

Lisa E
Honorable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 121
29/04/2010 9:10 pm  

Thanks, oh well I'm new at...
Thanks, oh well I'm new at this, so whats wrong with a third..

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 522
29/04/2010 10:21 pm  

Nothing wrong, I think, but...
Nothing wrong, I think, but maybe Olive was thinking you might want to read the previous threads. The more I think about it, I think your most exciting find may actually have quite little to do with your most exciting find, or at least not so much to do with your most exciting find as it does to do with what time it is when you found it.
Or was.
The older I get the more I think about time. Odd to think of time as exciting, especially as it clicks by, second by second, but it truly is, I'm thinking.
So that's my answer currently, as I found it, 11:22 AM, Thursday morning, USA, central standard:

Illustrious Member
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29/04/2010 10:28 pm  

Hudson are you trying to...
Hudson are you trying to make my brain bleed?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 522
29/04/2010 10:36 pm  

lol, sorry whitespike, not...
lol, sorry whitespike, not my intention, ever. Just thinking out loud, which in my case should not really even be confused with thinking, but the parameters of an internet forum seem to kind of encourage it.
Was it Ginsberg who said best thought first thought, or something like that?
Which rhymes as well I see with worst thought. And hey, I could have said a Barcelona chair at Burger King or a 6-point muletail. 🙂
11:37 now.

Illustrious Member
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29/04/2010 10:49 pm  

Yeah, that's precisely what I meant...since you'd asked about other finds
and hudsonhonu...please go take a nap....I think you brain needs the time off! 😉

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 522
29/04/2010 10:59 pm  

Very good advice Olive....
Very good advice Olive. Speaking of naps, there was one I remember finding at Love Library, 5th floor stacks, UNL, back in 1983 ...

Illustrious Member
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29/04/2010 11:25 pm  

Nuthin' like a good nap...
no matter where you find it. I remember a good one on Cape Cod in a hammock near the sea...

Illustrious Member
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29/04/2010 11:34 pm  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 522
30/04/2010 2:02 am  

In advance of potential hurt...
In advance of potential hurt feelings, no offense Lisa, it's a great question. It's just that it's been asked here before, as Olive indicates, at least a couple times, generating tremendous response.
Always good to hear new responses, but if I recall halfway correctly, for every person who finds a slunk skin lcw at a garage sale or a Bertoia sound sculpture at the local landfill, you will find, say, at least fifty to a hundred folks who have found a Burke table in Aunt Blabby's attic or an HM stacker at the Goodwill.
All best,

Illustrious Member
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30/04/2010 2:11 am  

I wish I had an Aunt Blabby....
I wish I had an Aunt Blabby. I did have an Aunt Bird.

Illustrious Member
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30/04/2010 2:23 am  

I still have
an Uncle Heavy and an Aunt Alma. They have no cool legacy furniture to pass down but they do have a post office in their living room. We used to get quite a kick out of looking at US atlases from the 1960's and 70's. Deora, Colorado, population 2. Yup, Uncle Heavy and Aunt Alma.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 522
30/04/2010 2:28 am  

All of us have an aunt Blabby...
All of us have an aunt Blabby, if we think hard enough, by the way, or btw, as the kids like to say. I'm more jealous of your aunt Bird, whitespike. Damn.
Jonathan Winters middle name is Harshman, which may be one of the greatest middle names of all time; take that, Cassius Clay.
Winters' career as a comic began I heard because of a lost wristwatch (time, I repeat). Honestly, it's per wikipedia.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
30/04/2010 3:10 am  

Even better my piano /...
Even better my piano / guitarists' last name is Hercules. No joke.
The guy who installed my solar panel system's last name is Nimrodi.

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