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What era is this Bo...

What era is this Borge Mogenson chest?  


ID Guy
Honorable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 125
16/11/2011 12:42 am  

I am buying these and wondered out of curiosity what era they would be? Most, actually all of the images of his designs are of dressers/chests with round, tapered legs. These are square, so which came first? Pulls are the same on many of his pieces so no clues there.

ID Guy
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Posts: 125
16/11/2011 12:48 am  

So much
For just adding a link to flickr pics.

Robert Leach
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16/11/2011 12:50 am  

[edited- picture link fixed]

Cream and Chrome
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16/11/2011 1:00 am  

yes it is.
I will confirm this when I can see it.

ID Guy
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16/11/2011 1:29 am  

I have it set to public?

ID Guy
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16/11/2011 1:37 am  

Never mind
Got it...I am assuming it IS Borge, just wondering what the approximate year it was made? Unless, of course, that it is not by him, in which case let me know so I don't go buy it 🙂

Illustrious Member
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16/11/2011 1:39 am  

I can see them.
Maybe you have to be logged in to Flickr first? I don't know.
Handsome chest, though.

Illustrious Member
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16/11/2011 4:03 am  

It's simple:
Everything is "Eames era." Everything.

Reputable Member
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16/11/2011 4:24 am  

Eames Panton Pop Era.

Illustrious Member
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16/11/2011 6:02 am  

Milly Mod Swag Era for sure.

ID Guy
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16/11/2011 5:18 pm  

Ha Ha Ha
You guys are so clever!
I meant what aproximate decade was Mogensen working on pieces like these for Soborg. I will do some searching and find the answer to post here, I thought someone might know off the top of their head. I did purchase them and they are mint, and if from the 50's that's 60 years without a ding or a scratch. They must not have moved an inch, or if so very carefully. Also; the grain is bookmatched between the two on top and on the drawer fronts, creating an interesting effect when placed a slight distance apart. The one "blem", if you can call it that is that the bases are almost certainly not original. They are square stock and the originals were probably tapered rounds. However I think they look cool with the lower, blockier base.


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