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What do you think o...

What do you think of this Herman Miller Lounge Chair?  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
21/10/2007 2:08 am  

What do think of this? It was being offered on eBay for $49.95 as a "buy it now" and I just snapped it up.

My guess is it's just a cheaply made chair used at Herman Miller's annual picnics.....

What'd'ya think?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
21/10/2007 2:09 am  

Along the top of the chair is the Herman Miller name and logo....

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 576
25/10/2007 8:21 pm  

I have one also
Did a BIN last year.It's a promo outdoor chair given to HM employees from what I gather.I have mine on my back deck.Everybody who sits in it comments on how comfy it is.Enjoy!

kdc (USA)
Prominent Member
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Posts: 184
27/10/2007 4:34 am  

pragmatism is a good sifter
hey, if it's comfy and won't buckle under the load of a heavy neighbor, why not? as for me, i think it's tough to argue with the classic adirondack chair. [the real one made of painted wood and not the plastic wanna-be.] part of what i like about it is that i have a difficult time getting out of it, which could very well be a safety feature [of sorts], because if i can't quite muster up that much energy to get up, i must not be done sitting yet.
anyway, i have a small pile of nice, rough-sawn yellow cedar [reclaimed from old utility poles] given to me by a friend. i intend to make a couple of adirondacks for the yard. they won't be nearly as portable as your hm chair, but the price is right.
speaking of lawn chairs, i always take my beat-up, old aluminum-tube framed, redwood-slatted lawn chair to my son's baseball games. everyone else is sitting in these newfangled things that collapse and look way too much like a vermin trap. i sometimes get looks as if maybe i drive an edsel and don't own a toaster.
the point? i suppose if you like it, and it serves you well, go for it.


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