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What is the Origin ...

What is the Origin of This Chair - Before Ikea?  


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09/02/2013 5:59 pm  

Came from a very old office. Looks like Ikea, but it is not? No markings underneath.

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11/02/2013 1:10 am  

New Pics
I just added a better links to this chair

Richard Tanimura
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11/02/2013 6:03 pm  

Looks like "Poem" by some...
Looks like "Poem" by some Japanese designer they had. Where are the links you promise?
I do no denigrate IKEA and neither should anyone. At the beginning, they hired some very fine designers who made some wonderful pieces. Wörtz was one. I think Ekström did some stuff for them. Even Hörlin-Holmquist I think but maybe not.....
You must understand that there are two very strong currents in Scandinavian design. One is the exclusive Kaare Klint school which is very high quality, excellent manufacture and kinda stuffy design. The second stream is that "good furniture should be accessible to everyone" which gave rise to the Getama stuff by Wegner, the Jeppesen stuff by Ole Wanscher, the FDR stuff by Mogensen, and a bunch of others and ultimately ..... IKEA.

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11/02/2013 10:21 pm  

Thank you ScanDesign
Thank you for informative and educational reply to my posting. I agree with you wholeheartedly regarding the some of the Ikea's designs integrity. Quite often I strongly drawn to a piece that later on with closer inspection it was made by Ikea ...! BTW, I meant new pics with my renewed posting, sorry.

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11/02/2013 11:41 pm  

Noboru Nakamura
Poem chair for IKEA, 1977


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