Design Addict


Wegner wing chair

Wegner wing chair  


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Posts: 2
31/08/2008 4:42 am  

This afternoon I just discovered the Wegner wing chair at Room and Board. (I was purchasing an authentic Nelson bench, after agonizing about getting a real one versus a knockoff.) While utterly pleased about my exquisite taste, I'm a bit agog about my poor judgment. In other words, I really really love this chair and now want to own it.

Is it worth eating only beans for the next few years to buy an original, or should I go for a knockoff? I would really love to hear your opinions on the differences.

Modern Love
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31/08/2008 2:18 pm  

My usual advice....
if you can afford it, buy the original simply because it will hold its value over the years, in case you wish to resell it down the road.
if you can't afford the original, but want the look now, and resale value doesn't concern you, well.... it's up to you.
If you can't afford it, and you need to pay the rent, then pay the rent. This chair is in production, you can buy it at any time. Save up your pennies, and have the satisfaction and reward of owning an original.
This is just my opinion.

Estimable Member
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Posts: 87
31/08/2008 11:00 pm  

trust Your instinct
This subject has been done to death on this forum; but, I have not previously weighed in with an opinion.
I enjoy and use my inexpensive and non pedigree furniture along side modern design classics.
If you have the economic means to afford the best then by all means enjoy that privalge.
Personally, the price tag does not influence my enjoyment either way.


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