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Wassily Chair Repli...

Wassily Chair Replica?  

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Estimable Member
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12/02/2009 9:36 am  

I've seen a thread about this before but It seems it hasn't been touch for a while. So I decided to open a new one.

I read about the authenticity of this chair online and I've looked at a couple replicas up close recently. The dimensions don't seem to match Knoll's. In fact, Knoll's website has different dimensions from the brochure that you can download from the same site. My chair doesn't match either of those dimensions but the recent replicas I've seen have some things that give it away very fast. e.g. where the hex screws join on the side, the tube has a concave shape. My chair's hex line up with the tube. And both of the replicas I've seen use pop-in caps at the end of the tube. Mine is seamless flat.

Here is the dimension comparison:

Knoll Catalog: w: 31" d: 26 h: 28 3/4"
Knoll website: w: 31" d: 27 ½" h: 29"
Mine: w: 30 7/8 " d: 27 1/4" h: 27 7/8 "

I've had two of this chairs for a while thinking they were replicas until someone pointed out that it Looks like an original cloth Wassily.

Is this a replica? Could this be a Gavina, Thonet, or Knoll version? Expert advise is needed and appreciated.

Photos are posted here:

Illustrious Member
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12/02/2009 6:42 pm  

My guess is Knoll - perhaps someone replaced the seating on it at some point.
The dimensions you give are close enough- I mean, 30 7/8" compared to 31? As to the height - perhaps the chair settled.
I'd say Knoll based on the closeness of the dimensions, the welded seamless endcaps, and the flush hex bolts.
But honestly, without labeling or provenance any attribution is going to be an educated guess.

Illustrious Member
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12/02/2009 7:45 pm  

Who else besides Knoll and Gavina
knocked off the Wassily chairs (not counting the current Chinesey ones)?
I have a black chair in a matt crinkle metal finish and black leather panels.
I only paid $200.00 for it a couple of years ago at a local 50's shop. It's in excellent condition, but, of course, no markings.
Any ideas?

Illustrious Member
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12/02/2009 7:52 pm  

DWR Reproduction
I bought two Wasily repro's from DWR in 1999 before they began offering Knoll. these are really well made and follow the original design quite faithfully. Flush tub ends, inset hex srewe connections, and a very close match to the HxWxD dimensions shown for the 'real" Knoll pieces. The leather is very good quality and has worn well ver the last decade. DWR tells me that they were made by a company called BRS in Italy.

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12/02/2009 9:59 pm  

Were they labeled in the early days?
So I guess the question is, were they ever labeled or marked in the early days of Gavina and Thonet or even early Knoll? and was the marking on the metal itself or was it just a paper label on the cloth/leather?
I know Knoll changed the design a little bit so could that possibly affected the dimension of it?

Illustrious Member
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13/02/2009 8:40 pm  

I believe
I believe Gavina had "Breuer" stamped into the leather, as well as an adhesive sticker.
Knoll did not stamp the signature/logo into the metal until 1994.

Illustrious Member
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14/02/2009 5:57 am  

i owned two of these chair...
i owned two of these chairs and they are the most uncomfortable chairs i owned ,
I put them up for sale and sold them , lucky for me,

Illustrious Member
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14/02/2009 6:20 am  


Estimable Member
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14/02/2009 8:00 pm  

My chair too has snug up gunmetal hex screws too. Maybe that's another clue, perhaps a knoll?
About it being uncomfortable? That's funny. Most people that sit on mine think it's surprisingly comfortable because I have to agree that at first glance, it doesn't look very comfortable. I too think it's comfortable. Perhaps not next to a Eames 670 lounge chair or something like that but it does it's job.

Illustrious Member
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14/02/2009 8:31 pm  

My friend has this as his reading chair. His is somewhat broken in and nice enough to sit on at parties - not so much as a long time reading chair. Give me an Eames any day.
I'd imagine the cloth seating makes it much more comfortable - less like sitting on a bunch of boards.

Illustrious Member
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14/02/2009 9:06 pm  

Lloyd: I agree
they are fairly uncomfortable because there's no leather strap that runs evenly across the center of your back.
They do look crisp, though. Wonder who make my black crinkle-finish version?

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18/02/2009 8:47 am  

Mmmm Eames!
I am yet to wait for an Eames too!
Never seen a Black on like that. It's cool though, but the chrome makes it stand out more.
Thanks everyone for your reply.

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20/05/2009 11:02 am  

For those who ask - mine is gavina made and it does have a sticker on the back (on the tube below the sit) that says GAVINA in capital letters, and underneath: model: WASSILY.

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21/05/2009 5:05 am  

What do you think about this one?
I purchased this one years ago. It fits the Knoll catalog dimensions, and has the Hex bolts connecting the tubes together. The straps look like leather to me and have a faint leather smell to them. It has caps on the ends of the tubes that are slightly convex. When I removed a hex bolt from a side bar I did see a round metal piece not a wooden one. The floor facing spans of tube have the holes on each side as seen in the first picture, but I did not open them up to see if they are metal or wood on the inside. It does not have any markings stamped on it or any stickers on it. Is this one a later Knoll model? Here are links to some pics. I should have dusted it off first so it is a little dirty in the pics.
- Bottom of chair legs. - Hex bolt - Straps and cap - Straps - Chair

the furniture m...
Trusted Member
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22/05/2009 7:19 am  

stendig also made a high...
stendig also made a high quality version of this chair. I sold one a few years ago. it had a small rectagular label

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