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Vitra Nelson exhibi...

Vitra Nelson exhibition  


Illustrious Member
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11/09/2008 4:40 am  

Hiya gang;

Does anyone have any specific news on how to get the (apparent) large nelson catalog book that goes with this giant exhibition at Vitra in Switzerland?

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11/09/2008 5:01 am  

The Vitra design museum gift...
The Vitra design museum gift shop

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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11/09/2008 9:27 am  

If you're seriously...
If you're seriously considering purchasing this, maybe we could get a bulk purchase going. Just an idea I'm throwing out...
Shipping is 30 Euros, which last I recall, 1 EU = $1.40. That's an estimated $42 for one book. Shipping is flat I believe. Large enough order could significantly offset cost. Just need someone to distribute. Again, just an idea...
Is there a Vitra member discount like other museums offer?

Illustrious Member
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11/09/2008 9:29 am  

count me in i would like...
count me in i would like a book

Illustrious Member
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11/09/2008 5:58 pm  

It doesn't look like
it's being offered for sale in the USA. Darn those Vitra noodniks. Selling stuff in Europe that's not available here. Yea, count me in too (although not until the beginning of that high price, I don't have it in my September budget!)

Noble Member
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11/09/2008 11:05 pm  

I think it'd be wiser to...
I think it'd be wiser to just wait. Amazon, or some other stateside vendor will almost definitely import it. My experience with this is mainly from exhibition catalogs/artist monographs which seem to run about 6 months or so behind the actual exhibition (at least for big sites like amazon -- smaller stores may offer it sooner).

Illustrious Member
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12/09/2008 5:57 pm  

In Minneapolis
the Walker Art Center (where there's a Saarinen exhibit opening tomorrow), their book/gift shop knows about the Vitra Nelson catalog and has it on order, but since the nelson exhibit isn't even open in Switzerland yet, the book won't be sold until December.
But, good news, check with book/gift shop in the modern art museum in your town and you'll be able to buy the Vitra Nelson book there.
While you're there, check out the wonderful Charles and Ray Eames book from Vitra, as well.

Sound & Design
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12/09/2008 9:36 pm  

Good suggestions BrBeard...
Good suggestions BrBeard Barry. Will look into this. I'm a little envious of the Minn. Saarinen exhibit=/ Another time.

Noble Member
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13/09/2008 12:45 am  

Exhibit opens...
Exhibit opens today...Catalogue available today also.
The Nelson retrospective will be shown at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York in 2010 and possibly at Cranbrook the same year.

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15/09/2008 5:41 pm  

Nelson Exhibit and Book
I was lucky enough to attend the opening of the Nelson Exhibit last Friday. Let me assure you, it is nothing less than spectacular. The exhibit, which is co-sponsored by Herman Miller, features numerous rare pieces by Nelson and is divided into home, office, exhibition, graphic design, and clock rooms. The Gehry designed museum and exhibit space provide an excellent backdrop for this comprehensive display of vintage Nelson. I can't wait to see where it comes to the U.S. in 2010.
I also picked up a copy of the book. Any serious Nelson collector must have it. It provides a comprehensive treatment of Nelson's designs in the above-mentioned areas and includes a List of Works that is destined to become the definitive source for what is and what is not Nelson. It is great to see that the Nelson archive has been put to such good use. Yes, the price is steep, but this is a quality book with never before seen pictures on almost every page. In other words, it's worth it.

Illustrious Member
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15/09/2008 8:21 pm  

I can definitely say that I'm green with envy. I absolutely love Nelson. I love many of his less popular earlier designs as well, and would like to have seen them for myself.


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