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Vase designs  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
30/05/2007 9:14 am  

I'm not sure if I understand...
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly Koen but my original plan was to make the spiral the full height of the vase, an almost straight translation from a roll of parchment to a vase.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
30/05/2007 9:23 am  

like rolling up sponge cake...
like rolling up sponge cake to make one of those disgusting tasing cakes that old ladies make.

Illustrious Member
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30/05/2007 9:45 am  

Ha ha !
Where's the jelly filling ?
Yes, it's an interesting problem. I like the idea of "lost Styrofoam," Koen. Of course, this object is fragile, even after firing. Can it be glazed ? Should it be a high-fire material that doesn't require glaze ?
Thanks for considering it. Yes, Don, it was Heath's initial thought about a vase like "a partially unrolled parchment." I'm calling it the Parchment vase. What do you call it, Heath ?

Illustrious Member
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30/05/2007 9:52 am  

I call it 'diversion from...
I call it 'diversion from reality'
reality being experiments in surrealist writing 'the wrteched elf screamed as the splendid grasshopppers broke into the hot bedroom'

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
30/05/2007 9:54 am  

pleased to meet you Stephen...
pleased to meet you Stephen *shakes hand* back to work...

Illustrious Member
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30/05/2007 10:23 am  

If you want high grade surrealism...
you have to go to the horse's mouth, the congenital surrealists, schizophrenics. one of my favorites was a new report about a grass fire that a man set near a free way on the prairie some where. the man who lit the fire was questioned by police about why he set the fire. He said he had to set it because "there were witches in the grass." 🙂

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
06/06/2007 11:06 am  

I've got it !
To construct the partial interior spiral of the Parchment vase, it will have to be made in a zero-gravity environment.
Space Ceramics !

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
06/06/2007 11:49 am  

sssshhhh!, I'm writing a...
sssshhhh!, I'm writing a copyright licencing agreement (yawn) and havn't even had time to buy clay yet!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
07/06/2007 6:30 am  

I love it.
Will this be the "underground, unauthorized" DA vase ?Will you be able to undercut the price of the other one and make a killing ? Offshore manufacture, kickbacks to helpful congressmen, etc ?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
07/06/2007 6:36 am  

God no! I'm the sort who...
God no! I'm the sort who gets nervous going into libraries if I even think I've got a book overdue.
The licencing agreement is for an assignment and given that my clay working skills are very limited I can't see any great success! Hopefully this weekend I'll get round to it.
You make one 🙂 !

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
07/06/2007 7:53 am  

Do we
still need to be limited to clay ? I'm a woodworker -- but this isn't a wooden item. How about plastic, or metal ?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
07/06/2007 8:43 am  

Have you ever posted any...
Have you ever posted any images of your woodwork? Be interesting to see.
I did think it might look good in a 70's Italian sort of rolled up lucite form, very strict and perpendicular? Black Perspex? Pouring resin into the base after its rolled to seal it?
Maybe seperate it into a spiral cap and the body of the vase?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
07/06/2007 8:44 am  

I have a vacuum press too if...
I have a vacuum press too if that gives you any ideas.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
07/06/2007 9:07 am  

Hmm. . .
I'll have to think about that. I thought it might be cool in glass, too. If I were to model it, I'd start with paper, probably.
Here's a little of my work; double-click on small images to see them larger.

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