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Thayer Coggin Loung...

Thayer Coggin Lounge Chair  


Illustrious Member
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Posts: 652
24/06/2016 5:45 am  

Picked up this lounge chair earlier this week. It is unmarked, but it is pretty unmistakably Thayer Coggin with the design attributed to Milo Baughman. It looks like the cushion support on the seat was replaced, and I know that is where the tag was originally.
It came with cushions that I actually like quite a bit and are really comfortable, but I would like to try and find the original catalog or other original picture to see what the original cushions looked like. I will probably keep the cushions it came with for daily use, but I would also like to be able to restore it to its original form if need be.
It looks like they are still making the chair with different back spindles(, and are calling it the "Cooper."
It was pretty dry when I got it, so I lightly sanded and oiled it. I was thinking about a full refinish, but it is really in pretty good condition, and it would be nice to keep some of the patina. In any case, it cleaned up pretty well with just the light sanding, cleaning, and oil applications with 0000 steel wool.
Does anyone have any info on the cushions? Leif suggested contacting Thayer Coggin. Any ideas how best to contact them? I went to their website, there was an address and phone number but no email.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 5660
24/06/2016 7:14 am  

Give them a call. They will connect you with just the right person at Thayer Coggin.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 652
24/06/2016 3:26 pm  

Thanks Leif, I will try to call them.
Also noticed my other pictures did not upload, here they are...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 4376
24/06/2016 5:00 pm  

I'll be curious to know if these chairs originally had back cushions. The seat looks very deep without one and usually lounge chairs had/have back cushions for comfort. I looked at a lot of photos of chairs in their current condition and most didn't have back cushions but a few did. I didn't see any old pics from Thayer-Coggin, though.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 4376
24/06/2016 5:16 pm  

So here's the Cooper chair they currently offer, which they show with tall-ish back cushions. The next two are from dealers and the chairs with dark fabric have been redone--not sure about the tan leather. I'd go for that look if it was my chair--looks comfortable but you keep the low-slung style.


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