Design Addict


Terry Jones-Quran B...

Terry Jones-Quran Burning Madman/MCM Furniture Purveyor?  

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Noble Member
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Posts: 251
02/04/2011 8:00 am  

Is there any evidence that...
Is there any evidence that the son is simpatico with the father?
"Yep," he says, repeating it throughout the service like a tic. "Yep. Amen."

Illustrious Member
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02/04/2011 7:54 pm  

One color only - green
The people who attacked an killed the UN employees did not require Terry Jones book burning as a reason for their actions. They already had intolerant, fundamentalist, and extremist views and their actions are theirs alone.
Once again, a persons religious or politcal beliefs have no bearing on my shopping habits. I deal with several people that I do not agree with their moral stance, but I ignore these issues and always look for the lowest price for the highest qulaity. If they meet this criteria I do business with them. They are "not" my friends, they are sales people.
I have enough troubles keeping my side of the street clean without concerning myself with how others behave.

Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 251
02/04/2011 8:54 pm  

You can stay right there on...
You can stay right there on your side of the street "niceguy". And you can penny-pinch all day long, I don't care. I'll cross the street to confront someone who is being hatefull or hurting others, and I will spend my money in a way that helps shut them down.
I would never excuse the actions of the mob in Afghanistan, but are you naive enough to not see that there are consequences to one's actions? Be it provoking people by insulting something they hold sacred, or picketing someone son's funeral with signs that read "Thank God for dead soldiers" or "God hates fags". The Jones already had intolerant, fundamentalist, and extremist views and their actions are theirs alone. But those actions have consequences and should be called out when good people object to those extreme views. Because just like on September 11th, 2001, the people who end up being hurt by those actions are innocent.
It DOES make a difference if people stand up for what they believe. And economic boycotts can have an impact. That is why the UN uses those sanctions, people call for divestment of businesses in the Sudan and why not supporting the apartheid regime in South Africa helped effect change there. When people stand up for what is right, stand up in the face of hate and intolerance they can stop those with extreme views from spreading that message of hate and from achieving their goals. If we sit silently, then I believe we are complicit in their actions.
You have to live with yourself and the decisions you make, not me. You can make a choice about where and how to spend your money. What you can not do now is claim ignorance of what that money is supporting if you spend it with the Jones'.
Here is a link to a review of a couple of books you might find relevant:

Illustrious Member
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02/04/2011 9:08 pm  

cost conscience
Cost conscience is different than your label of penny-pinching. I am far from naive, I just do not care. Business is business.

Illustrious Member
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04/04/2011 12:12 pm  

But he's hot, its like something out of a Douglas Coupland novel.
Perhaps it will inspire a tit for tat international religious text burning? Whoosh!

Illustrious Member
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03/06/2011 9:06 am  


Illustrious Member
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03/06/2011 9:38 am  

"I just do not care."
Yeah -- that says it. Case closed.

Noble Member
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Posts: 251
12/09/2012 8:30 pm  

He's still at it.
He's still at it.

Illustrious Member
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13/09/2012 7:11 pm  

this is a design forum
How is it and why is it that you continue to introduce your opinions on pseudo religious and political topics in a design forum? Read the heading: Design Addict. Enough already.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1879
13/09/2012 9:43 pm  

Seriously, Niceguy? Forum...
Seriously, Niceguy? Forum guidlines on this issue are as follows:
"Welcome to Design Addict?s forum
If this is your first visit, please take a few minutes to read through our guidelines and get acquainted with the forum. Thank you.
This forum is a space for discussion of modern, post-modern and contemporary product and interior design. Discussions about related topics, including architecture, graphic design and fashion design are also welcome. Feel free to share your questions, creations and reflections about theses subjects in this forum."
I'm the one who started this thread because a hate-filled group of individuals selling design items, undoubtedly is a"related topic" as specified in the guidelines.
Should you agree with the opinions of Mr. Jones and his followers and want to buy their furniture, you have every right to express your viewpoint. We can then agree to disagree. Ultimately, however, if this thread keeps one single individual from purchasing furniture from the Jones then it is has served its purpose. Keep in mind, the owners of this forum have the ability to remove threads that violate the rules of the forum. I suspect, that there is a reason that this one has remained.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2038
15/01/2015 9:51 pm  

Just got this e-mail a few minutes ago:
Dear Customer,
TS & Company LLC is insolvent and is not able to continue doing business.
We regret this greatly.
You can be assured your furniture is wrapped and intact.
Within the next few days, we will be sending you the dates that you can have your furniture picked up.
TS & Company LLC

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