So...I was cruisin through Craigslist the other know...lookin for a come up. When I saw this weird but cool what looked like Tiki or Island style carved Headboard and what was advertised has a King Wood Bed set. Has soon has I saw it it looked strangely familiar. Now I don't watch the show Mad Men...But I am guessing that I must have seen these blogs in my readings over the past year or so....
(I am fortunate to have what is left of a photographic memory)
so Here I have in my hands the "famous" and "mysterious" Don Drapers Cradenza/Dresser as well as a large cool tall boy, a huge mirror and king head board. (sorry about the crappy pics)
I guess what I wanna talk about here is....Who the hell made this is apparently not Witco according to the expert at honestly to me it does not look very much like Witco stuff...also the what looks like carved wood is a composit material...plastic kinda...the construction of the furniture itself is decent...dovetails on the drawers front and back, walnut vaneer etc...reminds me of some Baker pieces I have come across.
But this stuff has been selling has Witco for big bux!
I know we can figure this out....8^) <img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment wpforoimg" src="
thank you for showing that
I was trying to add it up: The Witco expert said it isn't Witco; Modernica Props owns the Mad Men one but can't attribute it; Modernica is a contentious issue; I would think Modernica could attribute it; I think that that adds up to knock-off, if that's the right term, and no disrespect intended. I bought stuff from Modernica. I also love the piece.
By the way, Modernica is moving into a former Twinkie factory in LA (people don't like them so I wanted to give them a set-up).
If I were responsible for that,
I'd make sure it couldn't be traced back to me, too.
FWIW, I inherited a similarly constructed dresser that the previous tenant had left in my first apartment. Wood-look printed plastic veneer over chip board, massive plastic moldings, Masonite drawer bottoms, and huge "antique brass finish" cast pot metal pulls all in a muddled, dark brown Spanish/Mediterranean style. But, golly, the drawer boxes were dovetailed!
honestly other than the...
honestly other than the plastic on the front this stuff is made very well and is heavy and very solid...the tall dresser has very nice walnut (I think) veneer. very nicly placed accross all of the drawers. The credenza also has a very nice walnut top and sides. Heavy and solid. Has unattractive has this my be to some people here lets see what it goes for on ebay after I refinish the top in a few weeks...;)
"I am really not sure you...
"I am really not sure you can say a piece of furniture is well made when it uses plastic drawer guides and masonite drawer bottoms."
I would also agree. i cant believe they would select this piece for the mad men set givin the options they must have had on the table!?
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