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Sling Chairs / Bauh...

Sling Chairs / Bauhaus Chairs - Inspiration Needed  


bobbdavs (UK)
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Posts: 121
04/09/2012 5:19 pm  

Hi All,
I am thinking of getting a leather sling style chair or Bauhaus style chair for the lounge and am in need of some inspiration. So far from some research I have found the:
- Rodney kinsman sling chair
- Marcel breuer wassily chair
- Borge mogensen safari chair
All of which I like, howerer I was wondering if there are any other vintage options out there?
Thanks for your help in advance,

Illustrious Member
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04/09/2012 6:23 pm  

It's very masculine
but I really like the Kilin chair, by Rodrigues.
And the 657, by Charles Pollack

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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04/09/2012 7:27 pm  

Consult the oracle at google
Image search for "mid century sling chair" or "Danish sling chair" and you will see dozens.

Illustrious Member
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04/09/2012 7:35 pm  

If that were the answer to every question
we'd have no forum....

bobbdavs (UK)
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04/09/2012 7:38 pm  

Hi Lef. I used google...
Hi Lief.
I used google initially, however I was searching the reccomendations of any DAers for ideas and anything that i may have overlooked. The whole point of threads on this forum is to share ideas and advice.
Thanks Danielmpoole, I like the look of the pollock designed chair.

Illustrious Member
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05/09/2012 1:14 am  

i think
leifs response was rather appropriate. What looks "cool" to one person may not to another. A google images search using the term "mid century leather sling chair" brings up the majority.

Illustrious Member
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05/09/2012 1:41 am  

In that case, we're resorting to ID threads again
C'mon, get into the spirit of things...

bobbdavs (UK)
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05/09/2012 2:23 am  

Wow we are boring on here at...
Wow we are boring on here at the moment. The whole idea was to share what we think looks cool, of course one mans junk is another mans treasure and both design and art is subjective. But isnt the whole point of this forum to share design ideas and differences. I seem to remember a while back someone asking for design ideas within their appartment. The same could be said for that thread, but many of us happily contibuted to that and gave advice, including myself. I was only asking for the same, a little alternative inspiration on an unusual topic. Dont you think I tried the google route first...i just wanted some opinions of other design minded individuals and there may have been suggestions that I had otherwise overlooked. Those kind of remarks above put me off starting threads on here as it just feels all too clIquey. If the shoe fits then help and advice is plentiful, otherwise forget it and a coy google remark will suffice.
Thankyou for being understanding Danielmpoole.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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05/09/2012 3:29 am  

Apologies all around
My google suggestion was meant to be constructive. I was going to suggest a specific chair, then I googled it myself and was impressed with the selection that came up.

Illustrious Member
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05/09/2012 12:50 pm  

Which chair
Which chair was it, Leif?

Active Member
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29/09/2012 11:58 pm  

Try Googling the Mart Stam s34 Bauhaus Design Chair
Try Googling the Mart Stam s34 Bauhaus Design Chair.

Illustrious Member
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30/09/2012 3:33 am  

William Katavolos's three-legged chair
for Laverne / Gratz Industries.
I don't have a picture handy, but I'm sure Google will find one for you.


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