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Shipping Furniture ...

Shipping Furniture to AUS  


Eminent Member
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06/03/2012 5:00 pm  

Heath (AUS)
Have you (or anybody else)had any experience shipping furniture to Australia.
Should appreciate any information you can give.
Regards - Richard

Illustrious Member
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06/03/2012 10:49 pm  

A lot of tools but no furniture, Ball or Tick might be able to help, just a thought though, look up companies that handle container shipping for emigrants from the country you want to import from.

Noble Member
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Posts: 271
07/03/2012 9:32 am  

Hi Richard
I've shipped a...
Hi Richard
I've shipped a few things from the states to Sydney. My experience is the less expensive the item is the more you can justify the huge shipment costs.
ie. A ball chair from Wright auctions cost me $1100US. To have it shipped to the docs, including packing, was around $2300
ie. A tongue chair form New York cost to buy was $400US. To ship, including a filmsy cardboard box, was around $850.
Experience tells me now to use a broker as it's quarantine that can charge the most but a good broker will see to it that they don't
I have numbers should you need them

Eminent Member
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07/03/2012 2:54 pm  

Shipping Furniture to AUS
Thanks for your information.
I should like to take up your offer with respect to contacts.
By contacts - do you mean a broker for 'Customs Import Clearance' at the Australian end?
I am Melbourne based and as such the items will be shipped to the port of Melb. Regards - Richard

Noble Member
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07/03/2012 3:46 pm  

I met a broker through some unrelated work I did for him and he suggested should I ever need one call him.
Normally I don't bother with people that offer up but he didn't it was more in the conversation that he told me what he did.
Point is he was a honest & decent guy and I'd prefer to deal with the likes of such.
His name is Gary and his mobile is 0410 017 858
Although he may not remember me but just drop my name Wayne, the guy who layed his instant Turf (lawn) here in Sydney.
They are all rather connected so I'm sure he'll be able to help.
Drop a line and tell me how successful...or not you were

Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 35
08/03/2012 2:56 am  

Shipping Furniture to AUS
Thanks the lot for that - I shall let you know how all works out since it may be of some interest for other members too. Regards - Richard.


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