Design Addict


Saarinen executive ...

Saarinen executive arm chair or upholstered Eames shell?  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
25/02/2009 6:50 pm  

"Now, what other examples of ...
"Now, what other examples of good design can we attack?"
That's the spirit! I have actually started a couple of threads in the past for this soul purpose - to brutally attack popular designs for the fun of it. We all have our opinions, and very strong ones, or we wouldn't be design addicts. So, Barry, this is no way was against you ... I just have no problem with someone brutally attacking a design. Why should we care? We didn't design it! We simply like them, or dislike them, and we all know that everyone has an opinion (and they often differ).
So, I was not really taking one person's side or another, but simply pointing out that no one's mother has been disrespected. Have fun with it.
Okay, for one, I think that Panton should be drug out into the street by his nipples for his regretful,loud use of patterns. I would projectile vomit if I were to wake up in one of those aesthetically confusing environments.
Furthermore, while I enjoy early Sottsass industrial designs (such as his typewriters) his furniture designs make me feel like I am either a) on the Saved by the Bell set or b) stuck in a Mario Brothers game. In short, I think his furniture is shit. I will never apologize for thinking that, either. But, I will say that I think his designs were probably necessary at the time. Perhaps we needed even more ridiculous post modernism to shoot the world back into favor with modernism.
Hell, I can even poke fun at my hero, Mr. Eames. What the hell was he thinking when he design the elliptical table? It's beautiful, but the proportions are insane. It's a "coffee" table that you have to bend over almost all the way just to set your said coffee to rest. Plus, it's so long most people cannot fit it into a sitting room scheme. If I were to build around this damn table, my living space would need to be a mite larger, making it not so green, eh?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1208
26/02/2009 3:44 am  

I'm working on a screenplay...
'Verner Panton: Tragedies in Color'... The saviour of the script is a clever lad by the name of Alexander who comes along and renders poor Verner pointless.

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