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Reyner Banhams bear...

Reyner Banhams beard explores Los Angeles by super 8  


Illustrious Member
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Illustrious Member
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18/03/2008 6:56 am  

Sweet !
Or should I say, "Cool, man. . ."
I loved hearing some of Bernard Herrmann's "Vertigo" track (San Francisco, but who's counting) for Reyner's detective fantasy. Takes up where the "Psycho" music leaves off. . .
Thanks for that, Heath. Now I know what Rayner Banham looked like in 1972 -- and got a great look at some LA scenery, most of which is still there, with newer cars in the foreground. There's nothing quite like it -- which I guess is the point. Rock on. . .!

Illustrious Member
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18/03/2008 7:20 am  

its not bad, havn't had time to watch the whole thing yet.
I knew a little bit about Banham but I got this good book by Charles Jencks today that piqued my interest again, lots of little drawings and things ...archigram, superstudio etc, The Art of Prediction, Architecture 2000 and Beyond (or something like that)

Illustrious Member
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18/03/2008 10:48 am  

Thanks Heath!
Watched it...
Thanks Heath!
Watched it while I had my morning coffee ('s). Great!

Illustrious Member
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18/03/2008 12:49 pm  

I just finished watching it...
I just finished watching it and experienced some time vertigo, the drive-in stuff recalled some dim memories I have but now that I avoid cars as much as possible I feel as though I live in some strange future past overlap.
Its like I've just come out of a really odd cinema experience into midday sun.
Very enjoyable though.

azurechicken (USA)
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19/03/2008 4:50 pm  

he like artist & fellow englishman David Hockney have a real "romantic" view of L.A.

Illustrious Member
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20/03/2008 12:53 am  

Charles Moore's "The City Observed: Los Angeles" (1984) joined Banham's "Los Angeles: the Architecture of Four Ecologies" (1971) on the Love Letters to Los Angeles shelf. Both are highly recommended. . .

Illustrious Member
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20/03/2008 1:59 am  

Does the city have public transport? What is the US like for public transport overall?

Illustrious Member
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20/03/2008 2:12 am  

It depends where you are. The high point was in the 'twenties, when there were urban and inter-urban light rail lines ("trollies") everywhere. Then a consortium of oil, motor and rubber companies (one of each, big names) quietly bought up and scrapped those lines, to make way for buses. America the great. . .opportunity for Big Business.
The Red Line trollies knitted the far-flung corners of LA prior to the rape. New light rail lines are only now being created/re-created there.

Illustrious Member
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20/03/2008 2:17 am  

*sigh* sounds like my old city, it used to have trams, they were all pulled up and a few years ago MILLIONS of dollars were spent planning and researching new lines, then another city council came into power and the whole lot was scrapped, apalling waste.
Is LA pollution problem improving?
I was very taken wth what Banham mentioned as the convenience of the that a lot of people may actually be able to walk to work.


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