Design Addict




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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 8
07/01/2013 7:39 pm  

I am a relatively recent convert to modernism and when I discovered this forum, I was so excited. I have learned more pouring through the information on this site in the last week and a half than I have in the last year on my own. It really got me to thinking - what other resources are out there that I am missing out on? If you have a great website, book, television show, etc. that you think us newbies should check out, or even something you know the old hands will enjoy, please feel free to post it here!
(I searched and didn't find any posts like this, but if you know of one that has already been started please point it out!)
Also, I looked around a bit and did not successfully find a wiki specifically for modernism, so I created one. There are a lot of really knowledgeable people in this forum. It would be great if some of you could take the time to put some of that knowledge down in the form of a page or two of your favorite topics/subjects, etc. You can find the freshly minted wiki at
Thanks for everything DA posters, and happy hunting!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
08/01/2013 3:30 am  

Let's see . . .
There used to be these things called books. They were found in bookstores and libraries. My design library -- lots of older books about MCM architecture and furniture -- grew courtesy of the used bookstores in San Francisco, many of which have folded with the advent of Amazon and the Web. The big chain bookstores came and went, but not before wiping out lots of smaller, independent shops. Crown and Barnes & Noble didn't sell used books . . .
The advantage of original-source books and magazines is that they present the period fresh, unadulterated by latter-day intervention and critique. You can see exactly what a c. 1955 or 1963 interior looked like, because there can't be anything in the photo that's newer than the publication date. Invaluable for those trying to get at the facts . . .

Active Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 8
09/01/2013 12:18 am  

Good idea...
but do you have any titles in particular that you could recommend? We have a couple used bookstores locally (one of which is closing soon) so I might have better luck buying them online.


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