Design Addict


REWARD for anyone w...

REWARD for anyone with information leading to the identity of...  

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Prominent Member
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09/11/2007 6:33 am  

I was just thinking about how many posts there are for ID HELP!
"Hair pulling ID quest"
"does any one know"
"Help me ID this tripod table"
"unusual leather lounge ID"
"George Nelson? Can anyone confirm this........
Swedish table set. Id?"
So many of us have things that we would like to find about the origin; i.e.: designer, manufacturer ID etc.
Would it be a good idea to have a separate or sub-category on this Forum where anyone could post ?ID? questions and in return for the valued service of identity, one could donate to this site with a simple yet nominal donation, say $1 via paypal. I know I would give a dollar to anyone who could positively identify something I needed.
I guess this would have to be an honor system or as an alternative the reward given to the guy or gal who is able to make the ID or what leads to the positive ID of the design object be it furniture, art, ceramics etc.
My first thought was something to give a little back to this site that has given us so much!
Although, giving something to the person who is able to identify might be the incentive that would get people to actually provide the info and show the design world how much you really know!
It is also kind of fun to be the first to have the right answer!
For myself I know that I have spent countless hours scouring the web for information on design objects and many times never to be found!
So any thoughts out there from you design addicts, good idea/bad idea?
Would love to here your comments!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
09/11/2007 7:22 am  

sorry friend that is kinda...
sorry friend that is kinda dumb idea ,
I like to be of service if i can help someone looking for a answer.
I have been doing this for 30 years I know a lot but a lot I don't, the buck is not going to break me or anyone, but it would inhibit some from asking questions , free is good , when Patrick and Alix can no long sustain this website or the advertisers have dried up then give me a call, but until then let them speak for themselves.

Illustrious Member
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09/11/2007 7:33 am  

only time paying for anyth...
only time paying for anything is good if you can get tech service in America or a English speaking company
I hate every one of the companies from CitiBank to Dell to HP for the crappy service you get when you get their tech support in moonmby India it is the worst!! I grinch when i have to talk to these folks cause i find it very difficult to understand them,
I am sure they are as frustrated as i am but when you have to feed lots of people and they are being paid cheap wages, that is what you get,

Sound & Design
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09/11/2007 9:34 am  

Noble idea ! Supporting a great website is always a plus. I oppose based on the fact that simple Q/A's should never ever cost anyone anything.
Nobody knows everything. Charging someone money for a off-the-top-of-the-head type question is quite Scrooge-esque regardless the noble effort behind it.

azurechicken (USA)
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09/11/2007 9:55 am  

think its worth looking into.Time is money,research takes time,books can be costly etc.Most salient,the object often is being offered for sale.

Illustrious Member
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09/11/2007 10:35 am  

Like em'
I enjoy the "help ID this furniture" questions, almost everytime they are the starting point for other great topics and discussions. If we moved them to another area or start charging money, we would all miss out.

Robert Leach
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09/11/2007 1:57 pm  

I Enjoy Them!
They are not only informative, for the most part, but give people an opportunity to help others out...which must be a good thing ?
OK, Sometimes I get the feeling folk are just asking for a valuation to set their eBay start price..but one doesn't have to answer them.
Also, if we didn't have them, we would most likey have an entire forum of Qs about Eames chairs!
I think the problem with 'charging' for information, other than positive IDs (and even then, who will arbitrate?) is that valuations can fluctuate with the market, and indeed the country..there is no finite answer much of the time.
Things are worth as much as someone will pay for them.

Illustrious Member
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09/11/2007 4:28 pm  

your replies were worth ...
your replies were worth 2cents as the old American saying goes, put your 2 cents in, and oh yes that is for free....... maybe we could have the $64,000 question also .

azurechicken (USA)
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09/11/2007 7:40 pm  

Top of the head is often very much like an iceberg or hippo underwater often there is much study,seeing,knowledge underneath...

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1445
09/11/2007 10:02 pm  

Tea Party
I agree Azure...
Consider a simple answer can spark a deeper interest in a design with unlimited directions. Much of my learning has been that way, as I'm sure for others here as well. If you're suspicious of someone's motive...don't answer.
Tbis being a public forum, it benefits all those in the dark, not just the inquirer. Slapping dollar taxes on questions is a form of censorship...think about it. Perhaps those that object have their own unspoken motives?
Why not complete the index section with all known designs and designers. Charge a (reasonable) one time fee or reoccuring membership fees instead of taxing the open discussion forum.

Illustrious Member
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09/11/2007 10:07 pm  

we could all make a donation as a Christmas present this December. I know many of us use it enough to make a contribution.

Famed Member
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09/11/2007 10:16 pm  

I actually enjoy the process of trying to i.d. an object. Every time I attempt to do this, I always learn and obtain more knowledge. I look at this as an opportunity to do some research on a subject which I love, and possibly help someone at the same time.
I suppose I use the 'id this item' posts to start my own personal 'research project'.

Famed Member
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09/11/2007 10:21 pm  

Whitespike just came up with...
Whitespike just came up with the same idea I did. I have added designaddict to my gift-list.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
10/11/2007 12:13 am  

A design wiki ?
Huge job
Aarnio and all the way to Zanotta

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1445
10/11/2007 5:58 am  

A design wiki
Huge yes....Someone should tackle this elephant.

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