Design Addict


RAR...60's or later...

RAR...60's or later?  


Joshua F (USA)
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Posts: 167
02/06/2012 7:02 am  

The embossed Cincinatti Milicron mark and the "Herman Miller" below it make me think later in production. The zinc base is debossed into the shock mounts, and no indication of any other base on it, and I know Miller stopped RAR production in 68' or so... and then it was custom order for moms.
So.. thoughts? Does the stamp indicate anything? 637 2
Thanks for the education all.
<img class="wpforo-default

Joshua F (USA)
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02/06/2012 10:16 am  

The patent number
The last patent number (2 893 469) on the label dates to July 7 1959... But I assume it is later than that.
The chair came out of a library and as far as what I was told was donated quite some time ago. The runners seem to be a decent shape. I suppose the life spent inside on a carpeted room kept it if fairly good condition. The zinc also seems to have the right amount of oxidation and light touches of rust in one or two spots, but luckily no weld breaks.

Joshua F (USA)
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02/06/2012 5:03 pm  

I think I might be
Answering my own question. Heh. Based on what I have seen of the labels, ( and looking up patent dates) this seems to be a chair from 1963. ( the person I spoke to thought 1960, but I thought they reissued the patents yearly until then, and that after that, I am not so sure. I compared to a label from 1966 ( dated directly on it, which i pictured below) and a few others, and am starting to get a hang of it... I think. But then again I am still despite my efforts a total noob. 😉
Anyway, again, my sincere apologies if I am asking obvious and ( annoying) questions. I probably should just shut up and read a book LOL
Thanks for any insights in advance.

Joshua F (USA)
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03/06/2012 11:16 am  

No thoughts?
Anyone? 😉

Noble Member
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03/06/2012 12:57 pm  

This is a little off topic...
This is a little off topic but did the seller say it was all original?
The rocker base looks like a newer has that horizontal support rod in the front, I thought the older rocker bases didn't have it until much later.
Does anyone know when that extra support rod made it's first appearance?
edit: Apologies...I just took a look at some images of old bases...I think I may be totally wrong about that extra horizontal bar thing... although I'm sure I've seen one or two without it...Clearly I'm also a noob...

Joshua F (USA)
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03/06/2012 7:33 pm  

No worries 😉
I had to be sure and cross referenced a lot of bases before I even considered this. I will post more pics later today to see what you think. My feeling is it is correct, but again, I am basing this on a knowledge base that is relatively new compared to many here.
Just bought this book though and hope to learn more about some details.
Modern Classic: The Eames Plastic Chair"
Daniel Ostroff

Joshua F (USA)
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Posts: 167
05/06/2012 2:12 am  

So it seems the chair turns...
So it seems the chair turns out not to be a marriage. The mounts loook good and the chair never had anything but the rocker base on it.


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