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Questions about an ...

Questions about an old DCW  


Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 395
26/08/2013 10:00 pm  

I picked up an old DCW yesterday. The 5-2-4 screw pattern indicates that's a Herman Miller product; "DCW" was etched on the bottom as well However, I've never seen this particular label on the bottom. Also, the chair's condition is OK, but it's just dirty. What'd be a good way to give it a good cleaning without taking away the patina? After the cleaning, can I oil it just like I would with the wood panels on a 670? I think this is Ash? Thanks!
Edited: Pictures fixed by DA
<img class="wpforo-default

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4318
27/08/2013 12:38 am  

It looks beautiful from here. I would not do anything to it.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
27/08/2013 12:44 am  

I agree.

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 395
27/08/2013 2:10 am  

Thanks for the comments. But...
Thanks for the comments. But it's a little sticky to the touch and there's dust all over. Would a simple wipe down with a wet towel be sufficient? Again, you guys think it's Ash too?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
27/08/2013 7:51 am  

Would anyone say
no to a quick wash with mineral spirits -- if the piece is sticky/dusty ? In my experience this wouldn't touch the finish nor change the texture.
A trial wipe, with clean cloth dipped in mineral spirit, on the bottom, would be a good way to proceed.
Is there another mild solvent that's safe ? Naptha ?
I don't like putting water to wood when it can be avoided. That said, a bit of liquid detergent on a damp sponge, followed by a rinse with clean wet cloths and a dry with more clean cloths, is another approach. The finish film seems intact and sound, from what I can see; if finish is missing I wouldn't use water.
Then, rather than adding oil or wax, I'd just keep the chair clean and dry.
Question: are women more likely to use cosmetics on furniture than men ? Or is that a sexist question . . .

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 395
27/08/2013 10:42 pm  

I'll give that a try, SDR....
I'll give that a try, SDR. Anyone has any thoughts on the label? Also, about the veneer?


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