Hello Everyone! Please check out the Power-Hog, a green concept designed to capture the interests of children and parents alike. Power-Hog is a power consumption metering piggy bank designed to sensitize kids to energy cost associated with running electronics devices. Plug the tail into the outlet and the device into the snout; feed a coin to meter 30 minutes of use.
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I'm sure the designer means w...
I'm sure the designer means well, but I find the idea a bit screwy. If kids are old enough to learn about energy consciousness, then they're old enough to pull the plug out of the silly pig and shove it directly in the electrical outlet. Which is what they'll do 5 minutes later. That's if they haven't already figured out you can open the twist cap on the bottom of the pig and re-feed it your coinage. So all this pig ends up doing is hogging even more resources from the environment and your savings account, and proving that your children are smarter than you are.
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