We've been using these as our dining chairs for quite a few years now. I bought them from someone who reupholstered the seats in a white vinyl, easy to wipe with kids. When I bought them, I noticed a stamp on the bottom of the chairs that said "Linden." I didn't really think anything of them, besides the fact I liked the set, so I bought it.
Fast forward to today. I was doing some research on a Paul McCobb chair and came across the bowtie chair manufactured by Calvin. I might be wrong, but it seems a LOT like my chairs I own. They have no other markings besides the stamps shown -- Linden and a few numbers (something 371?). The table that I bought with it also has no markings. It extends and is a similar wood to the chairs. I know they were all redone together so not sure if they actually go together.
I have attached a link to chairs on that "expensive site" that shows they look very similar to mine and are Paul McCobb.
Can anyone help me in identifying these? Are these Paul McCobb chairs? Any ideas on the table?
Thanks in advance!
http://www.1stdibs.com/furniture/seating/dining-room-chairs/paul-mccobb-bow-tie-chair-set-of-6/id-f_806556/ <img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment wpforoimg" src=" http://old.designaddict.com/sites/default/files/for
Grooves on chair
Thank you for your reply! YES my arm chairs do have a groove. Mine aren't in fabulous condition. I'm sure they were in worse condition, then we bought them refinished, and my kids decided to "refinish" them again. I love them and feel furniture should be used if you have kids in the house -- so no worries there. I have two armchairs and four armless chairs. If I get a moment here, I'll try and post a pic of the armchairs.
Chair grooves
Okay -- in looking closely, they're not exactly the same. But also in doing some research, it seems there were different types made. Is that right? Some of the bowties seem to have a sharper "V" shape on top, then some are rounded. I wonder if there is a difference in the grooves? And if they aren't McCobb, who made them? Anyone know anything about the Linden stamp?
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