Design Addict


Paul Evans  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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22/10/2007 5:08 am  

I guess i have to admit it, out of shear boredom on a Sunday afternoon , I have been looking at 1st dips and viewing all the cool stuff that Paul Evans did and i must say this guy was great , and from what i am hearing he is one of the honest furniture designers to collect ,
first and foremost he was a artist and sculpture and his furniture reflects it, his city scape furniture is just too cool . He always signed every thing so if you think you got your hand on any of his things make sure you find a signature, and it seems that Todd Merill is trying
to corner the market on his things,
He must be a smart business man, another three guys who are busting out like crazy our Valdimir Kagan, his sofas from the 60.s and 70's are the hottest as I am told and any thing with Harvey Probber, especially his dinning chairs, they are reaching icon status, as well as his case goods, and last but not least is Michael Taylor, I bought 25 years ago a coffe table designed for his far east collection and a game table, but the Taylor stuff that is out of sight is the things that he designed for his own company He died 20 years ago, any one have any idea why these guys are getting to be so collectible?, and any one know of any one else? who is getting super hot,
These guys although Taylor , Evans and Probber are dead and Kagan is in his 80's and yes, cannot forget Karl Springer he seems to be the star of 1 st dibs and I think he is bigger in death than he was when he was a live very similar to lots of artist!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
22/10/2007 7:37 pm  

love to collect him too
but the prices for his stuff is so amazingly high that it's clear out of my price range.
Even more expensive than Kagan (both were independent designers...)

Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 33
22/03/2008 4:38 pm  

I agree, Paul Evans...
I agree, Paul Evans is amazing. I purchased one of his coffee tables in Chicago w/ the origonal green glass for $35 from the origonal owners daughter, and sold it the next day for $1800. 3 months prior to that, when I was much less familiar with his designs, I passed on a $200 zig zag coffee table of his in a thrift store. I've now seen it at auction for over $4000!
I may be wrong, but I think that anything Pierre Cardin is going to command Evans/Kagan prices one day (not now of course). There wasn't much produced in the 70's (I think furniture was only made for like 3 years), so his pieces are already far and few between. A lot of table lamps and buffets pop up, but not much else. His pieces are very HIGH quality. I own one of his huge and heavy coffee tables - the thing is like 4' x 4' and weighs nearly 300lbs of chrome plated steel. Its one of my favorite pieces. I've seen it on 1stdibs twice and sold for over $3000, or so they told me.
Other investments for the far far future, I would bet on Peter Protzman desks, credenzas, and wall units by Herman Miller. The zebra grain he used is amazing. I'm not sure why his stuff doesn't do better already. But again, great thing to purchase for a few hundred dollars now, and hopefully sell in the thousands 10 years from now.
Just thought I would add my thoughts...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
22/03/2008 5:18 pm  

3 pix
The first one I have it listed as being by George Nelson, but is it?? Looks like something Evans did.
The other two are from a Directional brochure I have.
Amazing stuff!


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