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Pastoe or not Pasto...

Pastoe or not Pastoe? chair ID  


New Member
Joined: 2026 years ago
Posts: 1
28/09/2015 3:54 pm  

Dear all,

Some weeks ago I bought two identical chairs in the North of Holland. One chair has a Pastoe sticker beneath the seating, the other has an engraved "P". The seller said that both chairs are original Pastoe. Both chairs show minimal differences in design and shape.

Can anybody tell me with certainty that both chairs are originally from Pastoe? When did Pastoe design and produce these chairs?

Thanks for answering my questions in advance.

<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment w

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 973
28/09/2015 6:40 pm  

They are made by Pastoe but more like copies or look alikes. Regardless of who made the chair, the end caps should be welded and polished, not metal caps. The front lip of the seat should not be all flat but curving down following the curve of the chrome base and the caning should be woven into the chair's wooden frames not pre-woven cane inserts like your chairs.
They are still decent and good looking chairs.

Noble Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 237
24/11/2015 6:08 pm  

Pastoe was not only producing but also selling other brands and they did'nt copy
so either it was sold by them but i would say someone had a sticker and put it on it
a dutchperson going dutch
maybe if you tell the name of the shop i can tell you trustworthy or not
maarten (Rotterdam Holland)


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