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Opinion wanted on L...

Opinion wanted on LCW's  


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16/09/2013 6:25 am  

I'm considering selling one of my LCW's. Both I like quite a lot. Of course some will say: "go with what you like". But I just wanted some opinion. Chair A seems to have nicer grain and color but chair B has some interesting lines that look almost like blood vessels which make it very unique. The first picture is of chair A and the rest chair B. I'm torn......
<img class="wpforo-default

Illustrious Member
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16/09/2013 6:41 am  

My vote
I like Chair A better.

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16/09/2013 6:55 am  

To reduce confusion, maybe I...
To reduce confusion, maybe I should make myself clearer: which chair should I keep?

Noble Member
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16/09/2013 2:33 pm  

Keep chair A. Someone was...
Keep chair A. Someone was asleep when they matched the veneer on chair B.

Illustrious Member
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16/09/2013 6:53 pm  

I agree with norm.

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16/09/2013 11:06 pm  

What's wrong with Chair B?...
What's wrong with Chair B? Care to shed some light?

Estimable Member
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17/09/2013 12:24 am  

I'd keep Chair A.
It has a more attractive grain and the pieces of veneer are better-matched than Chair B. The veneer of Chair B appears not to have been matched at all.
For me, the problem with Chair B is the variation of the veneer across the back. I don't like how clear it is that three pieces of veneer were used.

Famed Member
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17/09/2013 12:25 am  

Book Matching
I think choice B is not as good because the book matching isn't centered. Whereas A is evenly matched on both sides of the seat and backrest. Also, the straightness of grain in A is much better than B. Chair A also seems to have a deeper, reacher color.

Robert Leach
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17/09/2013 12:33 am  


Illustrious Member
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17/09/2013 12:42 am  

There's nothing wrong with either chair.
The face veneers are bookmatched as they come off the flitch sequentially. Some may prefer a seam to be centered, which happens occasionally (seemingly by chance) with recent editions of these chairs.
In some ways, seeing a seam close (but not quite) centered bothers me more than random placement.
The deep amber hue seen on vintage ash examples develops over time with exposure to UV. Since the face veneers on the panels on these two chairs are cut sequentially from the same board, there should be no discernable color variation. I suspect the difference on the back panel in the photo of "chair B" is due to refraction and is not as pronounced in reality.

Noble Member
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17/09/2013 2:59 am  

What you are seeing is that...
What you are seeing is that the veneer used on the two chairs are from two different flitches, with chair B using wider veneer after it comes off the jointing machine and chair A using veneer that is narrower (after jointing). This means that chair B used a 3 to 1 face (3 pieces of veneer spliced together to make 1 panel) and chair A using a 4 to 1 face. I prefer the 4 to 1. If the veneer face, after being spliced together is not aligned correctly onto the substrate (plywood in this case) the seams will not be even side to side. Or, when the panel was placed in the router it was off a touch.
I just looked at my vintage DCM's and the faces are all over the place...2 to 1, 3 to 1, 4 to 1...but, they all align and are centered on the panel.
Here is a 2 to 1 seat with a 1 to one back!

Noble Member
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17/09/2013 3:10 am  

Just looked again, the...
Just looked again, the cathedral on the middle piece of veneer on the seat of chair B was not centered when jointed. The splices are in the right place...


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