Design Addict


Omvivo's Latis seri...

Omvivo's Latis series tub/cabinet superb...  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
16/11/2009 4:16 am  

So many designers can do nice looking objects.

But it is a huge treat, when one of them looks at an object, like a tub in Omvivo's case, and sees and manifests something that was possible and overlooked all along.

(Note: or maybe it has been done many times, and it is just new to me.)

The tub and cabinet below, which I saw on the DA blog just blew me away with its componentized fit between a tub and a cabinet.

I have always been annoyed by tubs with rectilinear external forms, when the inside of one end reclined at an angle. I have always thought it conveyed some inauthenticity of design. The tub did not look outside, like what it really was inside. Old leg tubs with one end honestly, and asymmetrically, reclining the same as the inside of the back, have always seemed inelegant, but authentic.

Omvivo's combining of the beveled tub with the beveled cabinet appeal to me, in somewhat the same way Koen's ceramic/porcelin kitchen products appeal to me.


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