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New vs old - archit...

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Jessica T
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03/12/2010 12:14 am  

The first two pictures are describable only as "Fugly". That Art Gallery of Ontario looks like a frankenbuilding. They should have taken their cue from the Royal Ontario Museum, which did a fantastic job incorporating their old building into the new and modern front.

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03/12/2010 11:40 am  

design Zaha Hadid for extention Port House, Antwerp Belgium

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03/12/2010 5:08 pm  

Doesn't work for me
I'm not crazy about mixing architecturual styles. There's better ways of designing additions on buildings of historic importance.

Illustrious Member
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03/12/2010 9:27 pm  

Gehry's AGO building is easy to appreciate
if you understand its design goals and see photos from different angles.
What you're seeing in the photo above is the BACK of the building. You can also see the 200-year-old house that originally held the gallery, but what you can't see are the numerous additions and expansions in various architectural styles that had ALREADY been made to that building over the last hundred years.
Gehry's task was to unify that mess; if you look at the whole thing, you'll see that he did it in a way that's really very conservative (especially for him). The Wikipedia page contains excerpts from some newspaper articles:
The Toronto Star called it "the easiest, most effortless and relaxed architectural masterpiece this city has seen", with the Washington Post commenting: "Gehry's real accomplishment in Toronto is the reprogramming of a complicated amalgam of old spaces. That's not sexy, like titanium curves, but it's essential to the project." The architecture critic of the New York Times wrote: "Rather than a tumultuous creation, this may be one of Mr. Gehry's most gentle and self-possessed designs. It is not a perfect building, yet its billowing glass facade, which evokes a crystal ship drifting through the city, is a masterly example of how to breathe life into a staid old structure. And its interiors underscore one of the most underrated dimensions of Mr. Gehry's immense talent: a supple feel for context and an ability to balance exuberance with delicious moments of restraint. Instead of tearing apart the old museum, Mr. Gehry carefully threaded new ramps, walkways and stairs through the original."
Photos of Gehry's model from various angles are at the link below, and a Google Image search will turn up lots and lots of interior and exterior shots of the actual building.
It's really not the architectural disaster that it might appear to be when viewed only from the back and without any context.

Arthur Sixpence
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04/12/2010 5:36 pm  


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23/02/2013 7:21 pm  

Where is this?
Please tell us where is the first photo taken? Please, it's really important, we are having this project at school so I need information on this building ASAP.
Thank you.

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