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Reputable Member
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20/09/2014 12:54 am  

P & A,
The new layout looks great!  I have been playing with it all day and the site seems very fluid.  Is there a chance I could be added to comment in the "Off Topic" section of the forum?  Thanks and keep up the good work.

Noble Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 243
20/09/2014 3:33 am  

looks great, so fresh!
The only negative feedback I have is that the grey text is hard on the eyes, black is so much easier to read.  Also the advertsing is the middle of the comments is a bit distracting.
Bravo and thank you!

kate kaplan
Honorable Member
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Posts: 125
20/09/2014 8:15 am  

Command +
makes all the difference in the world. thanks, Object.
and thanks, DA.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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20/09/2014 8:31 am  

(To get more eyeballs to the site, you might want to omit quoting the latest post, in the e-mail sent to readers who have requested notice ?)
It's so nice to have those notices !   I can't wait to try the search function.  Everything's so groovy . . .

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 6462
21/09/2014 12:12 am  

Yay for Comand +  !
Hi, Koen  !

Noble Member
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Posts: 282
21/09/2014 4:42 am  

I'm not sure how difficult this is to do, but I think the site would be more functional if the header scrolled up and disappeared as you scrolled down. It just takes up so much real estate. And if you Command+ to be able to read the type more easily, the header just gets bigger and bigger and then you end up scrolling the bottom few inches of your screen. Or maybe the header could just be condensed. It just seems like a lot of space is being taken by content that isn't really that useful (or at least isn't frequently used)...just my two cents here! 
I also wish that the two right columns were condensed into one (the furthestmost right one is mostly empty, and that the area for the forum were extended wider by that much. The narrowness of the post space is something that always bothered me about the old site...Anyway, that's it. Sorry if this sounds overly critical. It sounded like you were open to suggestions though, so I thought I'd throw some out!
Beyond that, the site seems to be being monetized much more effectively, and I hope that the new format makes you a lot of money. 

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 531
21/09/2014 11:03 am  

Woah! I thought I'd never see the day. How long did it take - 15 years? Congrats for moving to web 2.0

Active Member
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21/09/2014 9:43 pm  

I agree with you brbeard. I would also make the gray background darker, to add contrast with the white boxes.
Besides that, congratulation. Definitely an improvement.

Estimable Member Admin
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23/09/2014 3:13 pm  

Forget Command +
Texts are bigger now!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
23/09/2014 7:59 pm  

Yay !  *smooch smooch*   Mwah !

Illustrious Member
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02/02/2015 5:45 pm  

Dear Patrick and Alix,
One of my favorite features on the new setup has been broken for a few days---the one where you can click forward to the first unread message in a thread.  I rely on it for saving time and not accidentally missing posts.  I know someone else said it only works sporadically but this is the first time it hasn't been there for me.  (I wonder if it works best with certain browsers? I use Chrome.)
Anyway, just letting you know.  Everything else is hunky-dory.

Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 91
02/02/2015 7:33 pm  

Hello Spanky,
We are aware of this bug and have informed our web developer about it. Hopefully, it shouldn’t take him too long to fix it. Thanks anyway for letting us know!
And thank you for your great contribution to the forum!
Best, P&A

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