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A "Neutra Sweet" we...

A "Neutra Sweet" website!  


Illustrious Member
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Illustrious Member
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17/01/2012 4:10 am  

Best link in forever, finally got to see whats behind that oblong screen with the little moat, nude sunbathing?
The warmest modernist next to Aalto.

Illustrious Member
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17/01/2012 4:41 am  

Well . . .
yes and no. Neutra's work may be people-oriented -- humanist ? -- compared to his fellow northern-European (read, International Style) modernists, but he's no Wright -- nor even Schindler, who came from Neutra's own neck of the woods, Vienna. Read Julius Shulman's anecdote (in Shulman's "Architecture and its Photography") about Neutra removing most of the furnishings from the 1962 Maslon residence before Shulman photographed it -- and Shulman's subsequent photos of the house, full of personal belongings, which the photographer captured on his subsequent visit.
Triangle Modern does us a great favor in producing an illustrated catalog of modern architects' work; I have a query in to the author at Wright Chat as to how many and which architects are covered. So far I've seen H H Harris and Alden Dow; the list is thus biased (so far) toward the warmer of the MCM residential architects -- apparently.
Neutra nicely rides the fence between the warm and the cool, it seems to me. Remember that he favored a metallic material palette. There's a lovely anecdotal quote, found I believe in the memoirs or histories of more than one architect who worked, in Neutra's office. When aluminum or steel was not available, for one reason or another, for the visible parts of a Neutra project, the architect was not above using aluminum paint on wood. This led one wag to ask, "Mr. Neutra, what is the best material to build a steel house out of ?"

Illustrious Member
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17/01/2012 4:53 am  

I can
recommend the YouTube video available at the top of the Triangle Modern page, with Neutra's youngest son Raymond recounting his youthful memories of time spent in the Neutra residence above Silver Lake, in Los Angeles . . .

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
17/01/2012 4:55 am  

Fair points but I was thinkin...
Fair points but I was thinking in terms of past and current architecture, so many frosty sugar cubes now.

Pegboard Modern
Illustrious Member
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17/01/2012 8:40 am  

I just want to say thanks Mark
Thank you for posting ANYTHING other than an ID request.
There is a lot to look at in your link. I'm going to check it out now...

Trusted Member
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Posts: 55
17/01/2012 11:43 am  

The website of Iwan Baan is worth checking as well. It has a nice section of Neutra's European houses, next to a vast archive of residential and public architecture, old and new.

Honorable Member
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Posts: 122
17/01/2012 6:25 pm  

Amazing - thank you.
I fo...
Amazing - thank you.
I found myself spending more time on the examples that were torn down in favor of something...less. It's like slowing down to look at an accident.
I'm sure this is a tired topic but can anyone from Vienna or thereabouts explain why it's pronounced Noi-truh instead of Noo-truh?

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 531
18/01/2012 3:52 pm  

nice, but...
I've always felt that the ceilings of all those buildings are too low for my tastes. a big part of luxury for me is a high ceiling.


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