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Most expensive new ...

Most expensive new sofa!!  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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13/03/2008 4:03 am  

For the stinkin'

azurechicken (USA)
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1966
13/03/2008 7:31 am  

I still recall my exs his pair of woven cane on metal, PK chairs in the mid 70s,the quality and finish!Ive seen alot of furniture since,the quality, very very fine...hey I was underage!Ill sue,and get the chairs...:)

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 398
09/04/2008 12:40 am  

It's not just this sofa; the entire PK range is overpriced
I love Poul Kjaerholm, but Fritz Hansen is really pushing it with the PK:s. Pushing it to a point where I feel more annoyed by the price than impressed by the design.

moto modernist
Eminent Member
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Posts: 39
09/04/2008 5:46 pm  

Interesting thread.
Iv'e always been sceptical around the term 'hand made'. This two-word expression can be used to describe ANYTHING thats manufactured.
In this case I wonder.... what if this company were to stock two identical sofa's, made with ( as close as possible, considering hides are as nature intended ) identical components, one hand-stiched and assembled say in the USA and the other, as economically made as mass production allows in say China. Who would choose the hand-made version at the vastly inflated price ?
I don't have the answer though I'd imagine our guy who flew round the planet for his bottle of wine would choke on it at the thought of purchasing the more cost effective option !
Budgets dictate choice and theres no denying it's great to have options . Most here on DA are masters of the bargain , devotee's to the search , others have lots to spend. What's important is that we are ALL passionate and conscious about design.
I'm struggling with the expensive shoes.... is it important that they are hand-stiched ? Do they actually last longer ? Isn't a machine stitch stronger ? Do they have a completely unique look ? The design/look of a shoe is paramount for me although I'm always looking for performance too.
Writing this proclaims the continual two-cornered fight in my head concerning production and I do admit to being in the worlds top 100 hipocrites (note the 'i' in hypocrite people ! ). On one hand, I imagine and manufacture all my designs exclusively on my own and on the other, the realisation of the wealth which might be incurred by embracing mass-production.
One final thing about the sofa in question here...... ideal and essential for a centipede but this item has too many legs for me. I'd lose the two central pairs and chunk-up or re-design the outers .....sorry PK

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