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MCM lounge chairs I...

MCM lounge chairs ID?  


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26/01/2011 8:14 am  

Hi folks --- I found another couple of chairs that are stumping me. These were an estate sale find -- I'm not sure if they're by the same manufacturer or not, but they have similar details. Both appear to be made of oak, and have no manufacturer marks, although there are indications that there were once paper labels stapled on.

The details are just enough beyond the run-of-the-mill danish-style lounge chairs out there that I'm wondering. The backs are very sculptural, there's inlaid wood in places, etc. They remind me a bit of Baughman, but I'm not finding anything that looks right -- I'm guessing they're American, but I'm not turning up anything similar. Anyone have any ideas?

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31/01/2011 9:08 am  

Anyone have any clues or...
Anyone have any clues or thoughts?

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31/01/2011 5:36 pm  

I believe they're Heywood...
I believe they're Heywood Wakefield

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01/02/2011 5:39 am  

Thanks, Bustown! I think you'...
Thanks, Bustown! I think you're right, at least as far as the rocker is concerned; based on that clue I tracked down similar photos of an identical chair that appears to be manufactured by HW for Brunswick's Aloe Medical group, possibly in the mid-60s. The jury is still out on the other, although it's certainly possible it has a similar pedigree given the similarity in construction.

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02/02/2011 8:39 am  

Count Alexis de Sakhnoffsky
Looks like a 660C and a 660D Heywood Wakefield in comparing to photos in "Danish Modern and Beyond" A Schiffer book from 2005. Manufactured between 1963 and 1966. Book indicates ash was used in a teak or cafe walnut finish.
I have a living room set that is very similar that has the same strapping. Book is not real clear on designer, but Count Alexis de Sakhnoffsky is most likely. Love that name!


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