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Julius Shulman........

Julius Shulman.....Farewell  


Modern Love
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17/07/2009 9:46 am  

"Julius Shulman, whose luminous photographs of homes and buildings brought fame to a number of mid-20th century Modernist architects and made him a household name in the architectural world, died Wednesday night. He was 98.

Shulman, who had been in declining health, died at his home in Los Angeles, according to gallery owner Craig Krull, who represented him....."

Post your favorite pics and memories here.,0,5966195.story

Sound & Design
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17/07/2009 11:58 am  

Cheers, to what most would...
Cheers, to what most would consider a well lived life.

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17/07/2009 6:31 pm  

I have always loved this...
I have always loved this image. Not as iconic as some....but for some reason it has always been amongst my favorites.
For those who haven't seen it, "Shelter" linked below is a great video narrated (in part) by Shulman which explains the manner in which Shulman worked. He tells a great little story about the photo below

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17/07/2009 8:44 pm  

I'm sad, but he had a really good life!
He live long and well and was creative right up to the end. Sad to see him gone, though. He was, for me, one of the main influences brining me to modernism. His Case Study photos, especially the Koenig house that thebeloved posted, really afftected me. Until I saw those images I had no idea that architecture could be so emotive.
Rest well Julius, we'll miss your light.

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17/07/2009 9:19 pm  

Has a comparison ever been...
Has a comparison ever been drawn between the photography of Shulman and that of Ansel Adams? Each courted vastly different yet comparable subjects, but what strikes me most finally about each is their work with light, Adams notorious for waiting naturally hours and days for his, whereas Shulman ...
He was one of the great photographers, period, architectural or otherwise. The only photographer I can think of who was equally if not more gifted with regard to an ability for rendering an 'architectural' figure was the late Wright Morris, albeit the landscape for Morris was quite different (and strangely similar in an Adams kind of way) from the landscape of Shulman.

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17/07/2009 9:43 pm  

YEs, I agree the mark of a gifted photographer or painter is their use of light. Julius was a genious in that regards.
Funny, in looking again at the Koenig house shot, I am struck by how current the architecture looks compared with the extremely dated appearance of the two women. Fashion just changes far more rapidly, I guess, but the juxtaposition that we see now didn't exist when JS took the photo...kinda intriguing to think about. Think about all the societal changes that have happened in those intervening years and yet the building still looks fresh to the eye. A testament to Schulman as well as Pierre Koenig!

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17/07/2009 10:53 pm  

The women in the Shulman...
The women in the Shulman photograph actually look timeless, if not for their dresses, but maybe that's just me. A testament to time, I guess. Or women.
But you did say their 'appearance' looks dated, Olive, and your refer to fashion. What has for me the feeling of being dated in this photograph, strangely, is two individuals appearing to be talking to each other, no television far as I can see, the city lights still shining, distantly, behind them.

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18/07/2009 4:24 am  

I met Julius a5 the Palm ...
I met Julius a5 the Palm Springs Modern Show last year.
He signed my book and we talked about his camera
He was a gifted person and was the best of the 20th century photographers.

Sound & Design
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18/07/2009 5:20 am  

Greatest US radio station...
Greatest US radio station did a segment today. Link below.

azurechicken (USA)
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18/07/2009 8:17 am  

Very fine work.A life lived to the full.

Estimable Member
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18/07/2009 10:52 pm  

Uncle Julius
Truly, a legend. A true renaissance man. I'll always treasure the impact that his widely published photos have had on me, having had the opportunity to have met him and my personally signed copy of Modernism Rediscovered.


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