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Jere-type metal bri...

Jere-type metal bridge sculpture  


Prominent Member
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31/08/2008 9:12 am  

I happened to find a cool bridge today, just like this one on ebay (link below)

and like the seller, cannot readily find any signature, but there are so many places to look.

This seller says something about the artist being from Santa Cruz and having done it in the 60s -- does that ring any bells?

Was Artisan House (company of Jerry Fels/Curtis Freiler - C. Jere) in Santa Cruz?

Or is this a "knockoff"? Any clues?

In any case, I really like it! It's awesome, stands up by itself and is quite balanced. Nicely patinated too, much of it has taken on a golden-red patina, just like the GG bridge -- which I'm not sure this is supposed to be - it looks like a cross between the GG and the Bay Bridge

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31/08/2008 9:26 am  

You'd think the artist would trouble himself to chose between the Bay Bridge (respected) and the Golden Gate span (revered) in terms of detail (the pattern of the towers). Ah well.
This sort of kitsch doesn't appeal to me -- though I like the accessories in this one, and the semi-flattening of the forms in respect of the bas-relief nature of the type.

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31/08/2008 10:18 am  

I'm thinking that it must be the Bay Bridge
The only aspect of it that resembles the GG bridge is the proximity of the towers -- well, and maybe the horizontal cross beams in the towers. The GG bridge does have the "X" motif on the towers below the bridge though.
Maybe it's neither?
Here's the C. Jere Bridge (presumably GG)


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