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Isn't it funny that...

Isn't it funny that the Chinese knockoff makers...  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
30/01/2009 4:51 pm  

I think it's find of funny that the Chinese knockoff companies only knockoff products currently available from more expensive companies.

In the case of Nelson clocks,even though there are hundreds of models, there's no attempt to knockoff a clock that Vitra has not reissued!

The only Florence Knoll sofas, chairs and tables knocked off are the one available from Knoll.

Perhaps it's because the people doing this knocking off are too stupid to realize that if they would do something that's rare and unavailable, they would sell a heck of a lot more.

It's a strange and find of funny syndrome.

Illustrious Member
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30/01/2009 5:13 pm  

It's like clothes, where the "knock-offs" are actually made in the same factory as the "authentic".

Robert Leach
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30/01/2009 5:43 pm  

that they feel a product with a track record a safer bet ?
There are still bound be to be large set up costs for manufacturing these products, even in China.
Added to which their knowledge of 'rare' products is likely to be very limited I would have thought, and their possible appeal limited to the connoisseur who wouldn't buy anyway ?

Trusted Member
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30/01/2009 7:28 pm  

The fact of the matter is that most of the iconic mainstream furniture that people gravitate towards is already issued. There is a reason for that and its because they are the best sellers or most well known items of a specific designer. There is no mathmatical equation needed to figure that out.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 522
30/01/2009 8:27 pm  

Agreed with the responses to ...
Agreed with the responses to this post. There's little really very funny or 'too stupid' about such decisions from a perspective of pure capitalism, although stupid probably enters the equation at some point (an equation, one might consider, which includes more than China).

Illustrious Member
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30/01/2009 8:28 pm  

Chinese knockoff makers are...
Chinese knockoff makers are slowly drying up in China.
Imports are down by 70 percent, and furniture factories are closing weekly.
I have several friends in the furniture business who have bought from three different factories, and one actually got a free ticket to check the factories out, and he said, he doubts that you will see many new knockoffs at all.
To answer Barrys question, these guys are not rocket scientists, They buy a chair, just like you and i would and have it shipped to the factory were there CAD machines, copy it to perfection, so naturally they only want the most popular one that will sell, of course hands down the Barcelona was the most successful to duplicate, followed by the Carbo chairs,
The eames stuff being wood was not successful cause the wood turning was not that successful, The older designers with patents long expired were easier for them to duplicate.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 522
30/01/2009 9:19 pm  

Hmmmm, could the world...
Hmmmm, could the world economy have anything to do with the American economy? Just wondering. Captain Obvious, where are you?
And I love the easy distinction: knockoffs/reissues. So mind you, China knocks off, Vitra reissues. How nice. There, I feel better now.

Illustrious Member
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30/01/2009 9:29 pm  

Has manufacturing facilities in China...

Illustrious Member
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30/01/2009 9:55 pm  

All my clocks say
All my clocks say "made in germany"

Illustrious Member
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30/01/2009 10:06 pm  

Well, now we're getting...
Well, now we're getting somewhere ...

Illustrious Member
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31/01/2009 1:33 am  

every thing i have ever ...
every thing i have ever owned from Vitra says made in Germany .
I doubt they do anything in China but you never know.
The clocks that we all bought last year were such dead on ringers they could have been made side by side in the Chinese factories,...... but i doubt it.

Illustrious Member
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31/01/2009 2:03 am  

Production Sites
Production Sites
Weil am Rhein (D)
Neuenburg (D)
Allentown (USA)
Zhuhai (RC)

Illustrious Member
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31/01/2009 2:49 am  

Weil am Rhein (D)
Weil am Rhein (D)
Neuenburg (D) Vitra
Allentown (USA)
Zhuhai (RC) This could be where all the clocks were made, I have two clocks, one from vitra and one from some store that sells the Chinese clocks.
side by side they look almost identical. and the chinese clocks are made so well.
The Allentown Pa plant for Vitra . only distributes parts for furniture and hands for the clocks,

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
31/01/2009 2:58 am  

Interesting replies, to be sure
but as I look through my Nelson clock catalogs and see some really weird, wonderful clocks, I'd buy a quality Chinese knockoffs of many of these 'impossible to find' clocks in a heartbeat!


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