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I recently attended...

I recently attended a function  


Noble Member
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21/11/2012 7:31 am  

I recently attended a function at New City Hall in Toronto.
Designed by Finnish architect Viljo Revell and construction completed in 1965.
The reception was held at the far end of Council chambers, in an area that is not open to the public. Snuck out of the main event to snap a couple of photos while the room was still empty for anyone who is interested.
I wasn't particularly moved by the effect, I think due in part to how poorly it appeared to have been executed. Taking a closer look, there was no finesse to the craftsmanship and the flaws to those lovely sweeping lines were least to me.
All was not lost however, as the room was lousy with Platners... g" /><img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment wpforoimg" src="

Pegboard Modern
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21/11/2012 9:34 am  

but it looks quite striking from your photographs.
Thanks for posting them.

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22/11/2012 8:16 am  

I realized later I sounded...
I realized later I sounded much more critical than was my intention. It really was a striking room to be in. I am by no means a perfectionist, which is why it came as a surprise to me at just how much the flaws in execution hampered my enjoyment of it. Perhaps I was feeling a little sour because they had so many Platner chairs, and I have so many no Platner chairs...

Illustrious Member
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23/11/2012 12:08 am  

Well, I
AM a perfectionist, and I know how disappointing it is to see hard work and good design perverted -- literally damaged -- by inadequate execution. It's distracting, isn't it ? But you seem to have photographed this interior in such as way as to hide most if not all flaws. Thanks for the peek . . .

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29/09/2013 7:24 am  

an update.
Last year I posted a few pics of a function I attended at Toronto city hall. As seen above the main room was filled with lovely, lovely Platners....
Once again, my local government's spectacular poor judgement never fails to disappoint. The chairs, having been in constant use since 1965 were in some need of repair and reupholstering. The quote for this was apparently too high, so somebody rubber stamped having 35 custom made REPLICA Platner chairs at a cost of $2500 each, to replace the original (albeit, ailing) ones...
Our red-faced mayor (fat guy hypertension, not embarrassment) is now contemplating auctioning some of the originals to offset the cost of the blunder. A local MCM shop has offered to buy them...for $100 each.
Out of curiosity, has anyone ever reupholstered one, and if yes, how much did it cost ?
edited for fun

nico leo
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29/09/2013 8:16 pm  

here is the story
I think they had good intentions but very misguided.

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29/09/2013 8:52 pm  

That's a very generous assessment Nico 🙂
It would have taken all of about 30 seconds to find out the cost of an authentic Platner, and weigh the costs vs a replica. You don't need to be a fan, or even aware of MCM to do this.
For goodness sakes...they're even on sale.

Illustrious Member
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29/09/2013 9:12 pm  

Good Lord!
The City of Toronto needs to right their wrong..and pony up the money to replace the poorly chosen chair's purchase with authentic replacement Platner chairs. What a waste!
Aunt Mark

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29/09/2013 9:47 pm  

Wow, that is a very...
Wow, that is a very unfortunate situation. I'm surprised that an architect was not involved in this decision (or at least I'm assuming that one wasn't) - or at least someone knowledgeable about the design era and significance of the original chairs.
What I find appalling is not the cost of the "investment" (word used in irony), but the fact that the city spent $70K on rip-off chairs...

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29/09/2013 9:50 pm  

Agreed Aunt Mark,
especially as they were quick to point out more than once "the historical significance" the original Platners were to City Hall.
With such media attention, it seems doubtful more money will be spent to buy yet another round of these would certainly add more problems to the pile already there.
The cheap comes out expensive...

Prominent Member
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30/09/2013 3:22 pm  

Why is anyone surprised.
Why is anyone surprised.
This is generally how government departments spend money so imagine the blunders you do not hear about.It is not their own hard earned dollars and no one is made accountable for errors like they do in private businesses.
Basically he was saying that they're controlling billions of dollars yet everyone jumps up about being ripped off with some chairs because it's simple for them to understand.
What he means is 'people should not care about wasting a measily $70k of public money when we are trying to divvy up billions.Just losing some small pocket change in their eyes.


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