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Howard Miller clock...

Howard Miller clock #571  

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Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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27/05/2009 1:10 am  

Group hugs?
Group hugs?

Illustrious Member
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27/05/2009 2:32 am  

Yes Lloyd: folks it is just a clock some of you need to take a chill pill.
Rather than complaining about these stupid, ridiculous and very unhelpful ravings, I'm just sitting back and letting "the girls" rant and rave and let out some of this hot air. Talk about the forum turning into a bitchfest.
It's getting scarce here on the forum to have a grownup conversation and get grownup opinions.

Noble Member
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27/05/2009 4:26 am  

Grown-up conversation Barry?
Seems to me you're the only one who has resorted to NAME CALLING
nanny nanny boo boo to you too

Illustrious Member
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27/05/2009 4:46 am  

you're so wrong. Grow up, huh? Don't you have anything positive to say to anyone?
I cannot remember the last that you actually posted anything contructive, kind or even helpful.
I would really appreciate if you would not reply or respond to any of my postings. Your recent comments certainly have not advance anyone's knowedge on modern design.

Noble Member
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27/05/2009 5:10 am  

Oh Barry,
stop being such a baby (ok, NOW I've stooped to your level).
You get so hot and bothered over people posting about works that aren't even YOUR OWN! I could see you getting upset if this were a forum where we were posting our own personal work. If it was, PERHAPS, folks might be a little more diplomatic, or GROWN-UP as it were.
I can only imagine George Nelson was a BIG BOY and could handle some criticism of his (alleged) work, he doesn't need you to get his lunch money back.

Illustrious Member
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27/05/2009 5:54 am  

DudeDah, when you start acting like an adult
I will respond to you as if you are. OK?
Besides you and a few others don't criticise people's stuff, you call it ugly and often, the person dumb.
I have never called anybody's stuff ugly and I have never suggested that anyone was dumb or stupid. That's not the way I work.
I have, however, made a comment if i thought someone was being ganged-up on...much like you and few others have ganged-up on me.
You expect me to be an adult about all things, yet you have no problem refering to things as ugly or people as babies or dumb or stupid.
Double standards....and in this issue, you are clearly in the wrong.

Famed Member
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27/05/2009 6:03 am  

As a a female...
I take offense at this comment:
"Rather than complaining about these stupid, ridiculous and very unhelpful ravings, I'm just sitting back and letting "the girls" rant and rave and let out some of this hot air. Talk about the forum turning into a bitchfest."
Very derogatory toward women. You need to go sit in the corner with your clock.
Anyway, I'm just kidding. I just wanted to participate in the "discussion" too. 🙂

Illustrious Member
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27/05/2009 6:15 am  

my "the girls" comment was directed towards 'the guys',
Sorry if I offended you. (I was being humorous, but when I do, people don't always get it....)

Famed Member
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27/05/2009 6:29 am  

I was just kidding!
No offense taken at all. I was just kidding. I understand the context. I also appreciate your advice on my poor gn clock!

the furniture m...
Trusted Member
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27/05/2009 7:16 am  

Judgmental Jims: When you...
Judgmental Jims: When you see things as cute and quirky, they see things as strange and unattractive. If you find people's unique perspectives refreshing, they find them 'wrong'. If you like someone's eclectic taste, they find it 'disturbing' or 'bad'.
Why they are toxic: Judgmental people are much like Debbie Downers. In a world where freedom rings, judgment is sooo over. If the world was a homogeneous place, life would be pretty boring. Spending a lot of time with these types can inadvertently convert you into a judgmental person as well.
Unfortunately, most of these people don't see that what they do is wrong and as a result, talking to them about it will fall on deaf ears, leaving you wondering if you are the crazy one.
EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THERE OPINION HOWEVER and this board is filled with opions from people that all have alot of respect for the designers they love.

Noble Member
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Posts: 299
27/05/2009 8:00 pm  

Sorry Barry,
but the thing I WON'T stand for is you putting words in my mouth. PLEASE search the forums for EVERY POST I have ever made and quote where I have called SOMEONE dumb and/or stupid.
Design is subjective and thus the aesthetics of it are not based on fact, so someone cannot be dumb or stupid for their take on the aesthetics of a piece. The facts SURROUNDING somethings creation MAYBE, but not for liking or disliking a piece. THAT BEING SAID, designers have missteps, even the best of them, it's part of the process. That clock, IMHO, is a misstep no matter WHO it is attributed to. You just appear to think that if a certain designer or label is attached to a piece, then it is above reproach. THAT, is not an intelligent way to participate in a discussion about modern design.

Illustrious Member
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28/05/2009 3:54 am  

I quite possibily mixed you up with another person who has posted posts which read to me as attacks.
I do get sensitive, but many of the posted replies to stuff I have posted have been unnessarily negative. I don't care if the writer considers it a joke or not. It's how the posting is taken that often matters.
If you read through my postings over time, you'll find the posts that I have most attack for making have been REACTIONS of other's postings.
I just can't believe how negative and hurtful many of the recent postings have been REGARDLESS if it meant as a joke or not.
If someone posts something you disagree with...explain WHY you disagree.
If someone posts a pix of something and you don't like it, don't say it's ugly; explain what the problem is with the design.
Someone posted a clock in a separate post that really is a bit ugly, but it's not my style to tell the person how ugly it is. It's NOT my style.
Ain't it a pity that a number of you'all don't have any problem postings things that make some people feel bad?

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28/05/2009 8:43 am  

This whole thread makes me
want to....

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1445
28/05/2009 10:33 am nausea nausea

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
28/05/2009 10:50 am  

Barry has mad valuable ...
Barry has mad valuable contributions to this forum over the last several years, he perhaps is one of the best known sources and most knowledgeable of Howard Miller clocks, his contributions have been much appreciated by me.

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