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How do I spot a fak...

How do I spot a fake Ghost chair?  

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06/03/2009 9:41 am  

Does Kartell stamp all their items? Am I looking for a sticker or an imprint on Ghost chairs?

Some background. I'm a poor youngish architect and have an assortment of crap furniture, garage sale, and hand me down stuff. I am slowly replacing things piece by piece to build up a nice classic modern/contemporary vibe.

Problem. 2 years ago my grandma felt bad that my husband and I had to eat dinner on our laps on the couch so she gave us $700 to buy a table. I didn't think to look on craigslist or ebay unfortuantely, and as you can imagine, you're lucky if you can get an end table at Ligne Roset for that kind of money. I didn't want to go the ikea route, so I ended up bargaining down this antique dealer down from $1500 to $750.

So now I am on the look out for some dinning room chairs, and I don't want to buy anymore crap that has nothing to do with my aesthetic as an architect. I want it to blend with what I invision our place will look like in the future, as I slowly accumulate quality contemporary/modern items. My husband adores the table and already sees our future kids sitting around it eating dinner, so I don't know that selling it is an option. But if I did decide to pick a fight and sell it--what do you think I could get for it? 🙂

We don't have a separate dinning room, so it's not as though I can block the table from view from the living room.

I'm thinking about purchasing some 2nd hand ghost chairs.
Is this too obvious or too much of a clash with the table?
SHould I cave and get traditional chairs? The table is round so I can't use benches or church pews. Let me know if you guys have other suggestions...

Also I think I may have to go with the Victoria GHost version (no arms), not the Louis, because the arms would hit the docorative frieze around the bottom of the table top damaging it, and preventing people from scooting in.

Do you think the Victoria chair is as collectibe as the Louis and would also be a worth while investment?

chewbacca rug (USA)
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06/03/2009 9:46 am  

victoria vs louis ghost
first of all there are no knock-offs of these chairs....... it is too difficult and expensive to produce for anyone to try to knock them off . that said they are marked kartell on the seat ends. neither of these will be collectible for another 10-15-20 years... so just buy what you like or what fits.

Illustrious Member
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06/03/2009 7:06 pm  

That's a hell of a fancy, formal table
for its surroundings, and for daily use (with kids, no less-). I guess you intend to use a table pad & table cloths with every meal, huh? Not exactly a modern approach, but to each his own...

Honorable Member
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06/03/2009 7:08 pm  

there ARE knock-offs.
i've seen and sat in louis ghost chairs that were being sold for $150. i couldn't tell the difference between these and the Kartells (equally flimsy) but i know for a fact these were coming from china and was told I could buy them wholesale in 3-6 colors for under $100 apiece...
also, i believe on ebay there are a few sellers selling the fake ones for $500 for a set of 4.
as for which ones to buy; if you have a lot of disposable income, buy real. if you're on a budget buy the knockoffs.

Illustrious Member
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06/03/2009 7:57 pm  

I didn't want to hijack this thread
since the poster asked about chairs, but since WHC brought up the table. . . .
Is it "married"? It looks like a newish Theodore Alexander or Maitland Smith top mounted on top of a much older frieze and base. Maybe it's just the flash of the camera or something but the finish looks different on the top and the bottom.
Anyway, lotus, it seems like you are already stepping outside the box using that center hall table as a dining table. You will really be going off the chain if you surround it by lucite.
Just my two cents.

Illustrious Member
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06/03/2009 8:55 pm  

She did suggest a remote possibility of ditching the table,
so I didn't think it out of line to comment on it.
I concur with Riki-- molded plastic chairs wouldn't agree with this table.
Were it me, I'd cut my losses and get rid of it, rather than design around it.

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06/03/2009 9:55 pm  

The table was purchased a few years ago and isn't really my taste, so I am not offended by the comments 🙂 I'm really a minimalist so it's just so bizare that I ended up with this thing. I bought it more out of desperation that I couldn't find any high quality contemporary pieces I could afford. Yeah it is possibly 2 different pieces married together. We really should be using a table cloth and pad, but we've haven't been doing that.....which is probably a bad idea esp if we want to sell it soon. BTW my husband saw me post this thread started to say OMG you're selling it????!!!!!
Perhaps someday we will own a home with a separate dinning room so it can be quarantined (hehe) but given that I tend to prefer more open floor plans...I doubt it.
Hm. Now I'm wondering if I should cut my losses and not buy chairs to match the table at all. It's just that in the short term we're sitting on 2 borrowed chairs from my mom's set and folding chairs when guests over.....pretty ghetto.
I have seen fake ghost chairs before on ebay etc. It's informative to know that people think they won't be collectible. Is that the consensus?

peter osullivan
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06/03/2009 10:45 pm  

I had a pair of La Marie chai...
I had a pair of La Marie chairs a few years back, they were clearly stamped Kartell on the back of the chair, they also had a circular date stamp (like you see on car parts one arrow to month, one arrow to year)
Beautifully made chairs, a friends got them now and there holding up great, I'd defo have another set
We stayed in a hotel last month which had a Starck / Schrager designed interior, really liked it 🙂

Illustrious Member
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06/03/2009 11:53 pm  

My husband would probably like that table too.
In fact, I'm SURE he would-- he'd focus on the pretty marquetry and overall flashy effect, and pay no heed to issues of harmony and utility.
That's why he's no longer allowed to make any decorating decisions...

Illustrious Member
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07/03/2009 12:07 am  

Ian Schrager hotels, too!
Lotus, none of us has a crystal ball. In fifty years, Phillippe Starck's ghost chairs might be bringing in a small fortune. I don't think they will, especially since they were overpriced to begin with, but stranger things have happened.
He has a reputation, ala Jonathan Adler, of taking truly iconic and well-designed pieces and tweaking them in undesirable ways to appeal to those with too much new money and not enough taste.

Illustrious Member
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07/03/2009 12:36 am  

Wow-now,that's juxtaposition!
I must give you credit for considering such a bold design contrast,and,yes,I suppose anything goes,but, indeed cover the fancy inlaid scroll work with a table pad.Just too frou-frou,IMO.

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07/03/2009 7:34 am  

that table, uncovered, with...
that table, uncovered, with the louis ghost chairs, says to me "decorator". in other words: witty, might look good in a photo, but you'd tire of the combo. something too knowingly postmodern, "aren't we clever?" about it...though as an "ornament is crime" modernist I'm not exactly a fan of the table, so I'm not one to give advice....

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07/03/2009 8:09 am  

Ok, so I think I've decided to camoulflage it with a floor length table cloth for a bit and not buy chairs to go with it all for the time being. I'll just focus on the rest of the apartment and perhaps sell it.
Anyway thanks guys, I think you've helpd me cut my losses and not throw good money after bad. I saw someone local selling the chairs at a good price and had to make a decision quickly as to whether they could work.
Out of curiosity, are there modern alternatives for people whose price threshhold is around $700 for a new table that can seat 6? Other than ikea? I guess Blue Dot and Muji? I wasn't really aware of those brands a few years ago.
Hm....I also have this random round of terrazzo from an old coffeee table of my mothers. I might be able to readapt it to seat 4.....I'd have to figure out how and what to mount it on...I don't want it to look like a bad Saarinen or Eames knock off, but perhaps I can drum up something cost efficient with parts from another table or have something simple custom fabricated.

Illustrious Member
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07/03/2009 5:53 pm  

Try ...
Room and Board. They are an unsung hero of good modernism at reasonable prices. I've gotten a bunch of stuff therough them and been very pleased. They have a ton of chair and table options. They do carry 'registered' classics, but also have a lot of nicely made generic modern. How about a square Parsons table? Wrong shape for your space, perhaps? If you need round, take a look at this table...

Honorable Member
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08/03/2009 2:45 am  

ghost chairs around the table...
ghost chairs around the table would look really cool as long as you go with the right color (CLEAR)
if you decide to go with a new table, don't buy new. look at your local craigslist or find a local dealer and you'll certainly be able to find something vintage that works for you in your price range.

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