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Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1155
29/07/2015 3:17 pm  

Patrick (designaddict),
It is good to see you guys have a sense of humor. Yes, Mark is some kind of "piece of work". The good kind.
While I found it difficult to believe the basic rules are difficult to find, particularly if you never bother to look, cactus' idea of the "post it" style note would be a step in the right direction.
I once told a person, who was free to speak openly to me, that I was not a very understanding person. He said, no you are a very understanding person, you are just not very tolerant. I told him he was correct and to shut the f-ck up. It is true and we all laughed.
Anything to end the "how much is this worth" so I may make money and share nothing with you (or designaddict who make this all possible) would help my fragile mental condition.
Please post more often. Your thoughts and musings are appreciated. It is good that you are understanding and tolerant.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4376
29/07/2015 6:00 pm  

Aunt Mark,
None of my brothers are handsome but I do make a really good meatloaf! I think the rest of your dream sounds completely, totally believable.
eta: maybe it was my very handsome son. I don't look quite young enough to be his sister but you're sweet anyway.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4376
29/07/2015 6:14 pm  

On people who don't read the rules, etc.:
I've been using internet boards since 1998 or earlier, and I remember the moment a year or two into it when I realized there will always, ALWAYS be people who don't read before posting. They don't read the rules, they don't read other replies in a thread, they don't even read all of the original post before replying. This will never change. Being rude to them doesn't fix the problem. Maybe it makes (the royal) you feel better or superior or clever or something but it's really just pointless otherwise. Many people simply do not read carefully, or at all, and I'm sure everyone here has done it themselves whether intentionally or not. I certainly have on occasion.
I don't notice any greater numbers of drive-by requests for valuations. I think it only seems that way because of the drop in funny posts by the former regulars, and also the drop in impassioned discussions about design by the same.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1155
29/07/2015 9:01 pm  

Most rules are established for a reason, the betterment of everyone. Following the rules confirms a persons commitment to the whole, in this case the Forum. Ignorance or deliberate disregard and abuse of the rules is an inexcusable insult to the "patrons" of the Forum and the contributors. Consequences real or imagined exist for all actions.
Feeling superior and being superior are two different qualities. Spiritually superiority is only judged by a power greater than me. The remainder is a typical "bell curve". The CEO and the janitor or the baseball player and the bat boy. All are needed.
Excuses for failure by others may evoke feelings of piety or superiority, but it never solves the problem. Individuals with low self esteem may receive some "perverted feeling" of superiority as a proselytizer for the right of the wrong to be forgiven.
I do know my friend "Aunt Mark" would sit under a rainbow, imagined or real, in pink pants with sock-less Gucci's writing a poem for all those "rule breaking" individuals claiming they are not punished. It is Ray's fault.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1395
29/07/2015 10:49 pm  

Hahahahaha, Patrick! See, I knew this could turn into an interesting thread. The Swiss police passed on your Missing Person inquiry to Interpol who tracked me down this morning because the Swiss police are only good for finding people who are recycling incorrectly and those who have the audacity to flush their toilets after 22:30.
You are quite correct that I am being grumpy. I haven't bought anything in months because all of my houses are full and it's time to buy a new one. I'm currently shopping for a vineyard in France but Mr. Big is not all in on this idea, hence my addiction is not being fed and I'm sniping at you poor people.
Obviously, it is time to open another bottle of rosé and have an attitude adjustment. Santé, everybody!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
30/07/2015 3:06 am  

Mark, that was your cue . . .

New Member
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30/07/2015 3:24 am  

Raising a glass to Patrick (design addict):
Thank you for making this forum possible. Judging by the impressive number of views on threads, you folks do a great service by providing this place to learn and share. It's a treat to read and post here; thank you.
(Riki and niceguy: I think a little grumpiness and intolerance makes people more interesting.)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1366
30/07/2015 9:27 am  

I would never let my age or the constraints of my living space stop me from continuing to collect. It was never about logic. It's about research. I buy stuff so I can see it better...more intimately, and hopefully learn something, or perhaps cross-reference it to death, and document it to the point of redundancy. Besides, the shells stack, and clocks go on the wall.
Even if I lived with Mark and ______ and SDR in a quonset hut with floor-to-ceiling MCM curtains, I would continue to collect. Even if the light grey type began to fade, I would still collect.
There is no exit.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1155
30/07/2015 2:44 pm  

I like the "cut of your jib". The comment of "document it to the point of redundancy" is right up may alley. I have been compared to some well recognized collectors from WWII. My collecting does not have a reverse.
Riki is grumpy* and I am intolerance. I do not think Riki is grumpy.
* bad-tempered, crabby, ill-tempered, short-tempered, crotchety, tetchy, testy, waspish, prickly, touchy, irritable, irascible, crusty, cantankerous, curmudgeonly, bearish, surly, ill-natured, churlish, ill-humored, peevish, pettish, cross, fractious, disagreeable or snappish.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1395
31/07/2015 12:19 am  

Niceguy, I am at least 10 of those adjectives at any given moment, yet with really cute shoes and good hair.
Eameshead, I find you terrifying.

Noble Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 243
31/07/2015 2:44 am  

Please update your blog as to your latest shenanigans, I enjoy your wit and crustiness.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1395
31/07/2015 2:51 am  

Thank you, Grendel. The problem with the blog is that nothing is funny anymore. After 6+ years, life in Switzerland has just become my life as opposed to my ex-pat life and, really, it is not a very humorous place. Nonetheless, I have every hope that Mr. Big and I are going to be retiring in the south of France and making some delicious wine on our own run-down vineyard that needs lots of renovation. At that point, I will fire up that blog once again and we can all laugh as Mr. Big learns to play petanque with the locals. And says nothing to any of them because they are all speaking French.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
31/07/2015 2:56 am  

Where's my Quonset hut ? I was told there'd be a Quonset hut . . .
Riki, can I follow you and Mr Big around for a year or so with a camera ? People pay to watch these things, you know . . . !

Noble Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 243
31/07/2015 3:09 am  

I look forward to that, salut!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
31/07/2015 3:20 am  

Months ago, I was gifted an old Honer harmonica (unsanitized), yet I have only learned 3 tender songs (self taught, whilst blazed...tooth removed).
1. Happy Birthday.
2. You are my Shockmount.
3. I walk with Chuck (by "Brother Ray" Eames).
be my friend, hug your ham, and don't forget to feed the chubby kids.
Aunt Mark
ps I'd love to decorate a Quonset hut with French Provençal furnishings, linens and over the top accessories. Gomer would be so proud.

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