Design Addict


"High Quality" Dowe...

"High Quality" Dowel Bases for shells  


Orleans USA
Noble Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 220
16/06/2010 4:31 am  

I don't have much experience with dowel bases for Eames shells. I know they weren't manufacturer for long at all which makes them very rare. I do know that the market is flooded with real fiberglass shells floating around with repro dowel bases. I just received four dowel bases online on ebay. Wow, they were pieces of cr*p. I'm going to assume that there are many types of quality pertaining to dowel bases.....right?
I know someone's going to say, "Why would you put a repro base on a real shell?" Please save those questions/comments.

Does anyone have any experience/feedback with dowel bases?

thx a lot

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4318
16/06/2010 4:50 am  

I only know of one major US-based eBay seller of dowel bases. I have one and it seems to be of decent quality though I haven't actually used it. I also have not seen a vintage dowel base up close and personal to compare.
As I understand, the original dowel bases were fairly susceptible to breakage, which is why they weren't offered for that long.


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