Design Addict


Help please!  


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17/02/2006 7:49 pm  

Hello all,

We are seeking an European industrial design company who can design the body shell of a rotary

hammer(a drilling hammer tool for construction or DIY),

If I have not made myself understandable, please visit the link below and you know what I mean.

We just want to have the out-shape or the appearance(not the motor or mechanical part)


We would be very grateful if any one could recommend some industrial design commpanies.

Thank you very much in advance.

Thomas W.

Illustrious Member
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18/02/2006 5:18 am  

Is it indiscreet...
to ask why after so many years with Slany design and later with the re-named Teams-design, you would want to change consultancy?

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18/02/2006 10:54 am  

We're not Bosch.
Hello Koen, thanks for your post. We're not Bosch. We're another manufacturer of power tools. We just like to have our products designed to better meet the European market demands. Any recommendations except TEAMS Design?

Illustrious Member
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18/02/2006 4:53 pm  

Sorry for the misunderstanding
Although they have no specific powertool background I would recommend Enthoven Associates in Antwerp Belgium, an experienced, well organized group of talented people. There are many more to choose from, but this office has worked on both sides of the atlantic and I know by experience (we also work for european companies) that an understanding of different markets is essential when working for a multi-national company, even when that company targets a more specific market (in this case the European). One disadvantage of working with a European design office of that quality is that it is up to twice as expensive as working with a north american design office with the same track record.

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19/02/2006 1:04 am  

Italian Designer?
Hello Koen, thanks for your recommendation of Enthoven. I've visited their website but can't get much more info. They got quite some rewards. You said "(we also work for european companies)". Does your company do industrial design? Are you from TEAMS Design? Could you recommend an Italian industrial design company, preferably with power tool background? Thanks in advance.

Illustrious Member
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19/02/2006 7:22 am  

Dear seekingdesigner
A good second choice is Bussedesign/Ulm in Germany. The reason why I would not recommend an Italian design office is simply that this kind of equipment is not their strength. People like Roberto Maccioni were exceptions in this "technical" field.(I do not think that he is still active, he must be 75-76 by now) Remember, in spite of all the "big" names that worked for Olivetti, they could not make it work. Germany has one disadventage: with few exceptions the best designers work as in-house designers for the large German manufacturers. Teams, Bussedesign and a handful others are the exceptions.
Scandinavian designers: Bjorn design in Copenhagen, Ergonomi Gruppen in Sweden etc. are excellent offices but might not be "expressive" enough for this kind of product. But please take a look, especially the Danish Bjorn design...if you do not export to some parts of the muslim world that is...
To answer your question. I am not with Teams, but yes I am an industrial designer and you can of course contact me but have a look first at the designers index on this website under "D" you will find Koen De Winter. This website is generally less interested in "technical" products so there is an obvious lack of them in the products that are shown but if you are still interested I am most willing to send you more information.

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20/02/2006 10:48 am  

Dear Koen,
Thank you very much for your help.


If you need any help, please contact us at –


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