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Help to I.D. this b...

Help to I.D. this bench / sofa /daybed  


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21/11/2011 7:13 am  

I have purchased this day bed, or perhaps better called a bench. I have searched through many auction sites and all through and I have hit nothing - though I have seen some that come close.

It is about 7 feet by 2.5 feet (it is large) and is very well made.

If anyone could assist, I would be grateful. A friend mentioned off-hand he thought he had seen something like this in a Stendig catalog.

Illustrious Member
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21/11/2011 7:22 am  

You're not in Australia are you? Those are used for seating at the State Gallery here, I'll ask a friend who works there, but could be a while... alternatively you could email them and ask? But they are a bit slow on the uptake sometimes, must be the heat.

Illustrious Member
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21/11/2011 7:25 am  

picture is small but looks...
picture is small but looks like it could be John Behringer for JG furniture

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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21/11/2011 7:26 am  

Looks like
Erwin and Estelle Laverne's Philharmonic Bench.
BUT....yours seems shorter in the distance from the end of the bench to the legs.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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21/11/2011 7:30 am  

Behringer's bench is segmented

Illustrious Member
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21/11/2011 7:51 am  

Beloveds' suggestion loosk right, nice find!

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21/11/2011 8:03 am  

I agree
Behringer is segmented, and sure, it looks similar but has a lot of differences.
No segments, and the legs where they combine down the bottom on mine has been welded, then sanded back and smoothed out prior to the chrome finish.
That Philharmonic Bench sure has the right dimensions though again the difference in the feet being two pieces held together.
I am going to measure mine tomorrow and see if it too is 22D by 6 foot 6 inches long. Sure likes like the same idea in design.
I am in the United States. If your friend in Australia knows anything about this type of bench, I would be very happy!
I just want to know who made it, this is for the study to serve as a day bed/sleep-over sofa.

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26/11/2011 5:04 am  

New pictures of the bench and measurements
OK, here are two pics showing the Bench.
It's dimensions are 84" (7 foot) by 30" (2.5 feet) deep.
I hope this helps to get an ID on this.

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11/12/2011 7:55 pm  

A bump
I am still hoping to hear from people about where to find the maker/designer of this piece.
I am sorry to be a "bumper" and bump this up, but I simply have researched myself to death and I do to have the skill set to get the answers I seek.
The closest maker I have found is Estelle Laverne but the information on their custom jobs for different public/private spaces does not seem readily accessible.
Someone feel free to point out the obvious to me as to what to do.

Famed Member
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15/09/2012 3:13 am  

Finally an answer of sorts
We had the bed looked at by a few in the industry and they corrected us that it is not chrome, it is stainless steel. We approached a number of places and were put in touch with Zographos who after studying the photos and the elements used - screws for the feet, the feet, the construction took credit for it's production. It is the legs of the base that gave it away - the arch used, the combining of the two bars of solid stainless steel and the size of the arch used. Not a lot of companies fool around with stainless steel solid bar and Zographos specialize in it.
They stated prior to 1994 they did not hold computer records of their custom benches but confirmed that the AT42 table had at times been used for it's base style on other items.
After a little more research the person in the NY Office who has been with the company for eons says it is their work, but sadly as a one-off piece, no documentation can be dug up for it.
We researched the likely source and found the previous owner had an association with Lockheed Martin as major share owners and associated companies and it turns out Zogrpahos did work for some of these companies.
How it ended up out of the offices and into the Estate where it was obtained though will remain a mystery.
So it will remain a permanent "not 100%", but we have the emails from Zographos taking the credit and attribution, and that is as good as we will get for it.
And now it sits in our lounge, being useful!


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