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Hanging a Nelson Ch...

Hanging a Nelson Chronopak Asterisk clock  


Reputable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
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21/01/2014 7:42 am  

With all of the Nelson clock threads on DA, you'd think there'd be a discussion of how folks are hanging Chronopak wall clocks? If there is, I certainly couldn't find it via Google or DA's search. Please point me at it, if it exists.
I just picked up a pair of Asterisk clocks today, and want to hang one--they've got the Chronopak plug back--and of course, I don't have an appropriate wall mount. I don't really want to convert them to battery--that seems like sacrilege--might as well sell them intact and buy a repro before going that route.
So, any options? So far, my ideas:
* I could replace the plug with a cord pretty easily, and run that into the wall, and then back out near the floor & into a power outlet. I'd hang the clock on a heavy duty screw through the hole in the Chronopak and the clock would project out further than intended
* I could build a DIY recessed mount with wood & an outlet, and wire the outlet, again with a screw or dowel through the Chronopak hole. This means it becomes a lot harder to move the clock, and I have a much larger hole to patch when I move.
Any other ideas? I'm leaning towards the first option right now.

Illustrious Member
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21/01/2014 2:49 pm  

Something like this?
Something like this?

nico leo
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21/01/2014 4:08 pm  

thats it
I have a few original wall mounts and that is exactly what they look like.

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23/01/2014 10:37 pm  

Fantastic. Thanks,...
Fantastic. Thanks, guys.
Now to track one down where the plug is oriented at 90 degrees to the hook.... seems like most of them have the plug oriented incorrectly to support a Chronopak back.

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24/01/2014 12:14 am  

Modify it.
My guess is that the receptacle can probably be adjusted to work. I would buy one and modify it.

Active Member
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08/05/2014 11:08 pm  

Did you ever find a chronopak
I too am in need of a chronopak for my George Nelson sunburst. I saw the link above in your thread but I too need to outlet prongs to be rotated 90 degrees. Haven't had any luck find the right receptacle. Also, did you order that outlet, and if so, does the support hook line up with the hole on the back of your clock?


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