Design Addict


Good read  


James Collins
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 547
10/04/2007 3:04 am  

Livable Modernism: Interior Decorating and Design During the Great Depression (Yale University Art Gallery)

I love this stuff!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
10/04/2007 6:31 am  

Thanks for
the tip, and the peek. The opening text of the book sets the stage nicely; too bad we don't get to the meat of the matter in this free look.
I assume we're talking Heywood Wakefield, et al ?
The current (75th anniversary) issue of Interior Design magazine has some yummy and rare 40's plywood pieces, some of them protptypes; these are more provocative (material/technology oriented; conceptual or ideological) than the department-store modern (?) that is the subject here. . .

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
10/04/2007 7:20 am  

75 years of Interior Design
I am so impressed with the 75 years of interior Design Magazine They did a great job of puting this months magazine out it is wonderful !!! The cover is the same as 1969 and I am amazed how timeless and hip that Verner Panton was 38 years ago hats off to Interior Design they did a great job


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