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07/10/2011 9:46 pm  


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07/10/2011 11:14 pm  


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08/10/2011 6:29 am  

I can't see the Knoll International Label
I can not see the Int'l label you are speaking of, just one.
When dealing with Knoll, remember, they have been around a long time and technically, they do not do knock offs.
However, some people (most collectors) value their earlier pieces rather than the later ones.
Through out the years, the way they construct their chairs, tables etc can change - such as from Cast Iron to Aluminum, through to Aluminum with ribs added etc.
Tackling even one chair requires some research, so take on the subject slowly.
Remember, if you are buying because you like it, you can not go wrong - but be sure you pay a fair price.
If you are going to buy investment grade items, then you will need to know many aspects about just a single chair or table to be well informed.
The people here:
The people on this site will not steer you wrong, and to this day, I have not met a more smarter group and as well informed peoples as this forum boasts. But they dislike having their time wasted - because they will invest time into helping you.
Just one thing, when posting pics etc. remember the devil is in the details, show edges, labels, inner workings of the items, screws, mounts etc to get sound advice as to authenticity.
A tulip table on the outside (as an example) all pretty much look the same, so a photo of the table will not help to establish year, producer etc. But showing the inner casting underneath, the label, the gray felt that was at the bottom, the rod that screws in the top to hold the table - these are things we need to see to help you.
Finally, never jump at a sale until you have certainty, some of these things cost pay checks, but are sooooo worth it.

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08/10/2011 11:28 am  



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