Design Addict


Gaetano Cecere Scul...

Gaetano Cecere Sculpture  


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11/04/2014 3:00 am  

Hello all! I'm putting together a little exhibition for a number of previously unseen sculpture by the late NYC sculptor Gaetano Cecere. First of all, if any of you are in NYC and have an interest in coming to check it all out, let's talk!

More importantly, I'd like to get a gauge on how many people here know about him. He was once quite well known among various NYC institutions due to his long career as a teacher. Nowadays, he's much less known.

He has done some beautiful work for the state, amazing garden sculptures, and most excitingly toward the end of his life, some great abstract works.

Illustrious Member
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11/04/2014 5:03 am  

Avi-I'm in NYC and would be...
Avi-I'm in NYC and would be interested in seeing his work. To be honest, though, I have never heard oh him before.

Illustrious Member
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11/04/2014 5:47 am  

looks like someone
painted some coprolite

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11/04/2014 9:18 pm  

Send me an email

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12/04/2014 9:53 pm  

Solid Stone
Here's another one of my favorites:

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17/04/2014 7:04 pm  

I'm considering organizing a small exhibition of design objects for my local library, which I've never done. After I've done some research and am familiar with the basics, would you mind if I email you to ask questions regarding organization, etc.?

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18/04/2014 12:41 am  

By all means! I'm really not ...
By all means! I'm really not an expert, but I'd be more than happy to share my experience, and make attempts at answering your questions.

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19/04/2014 2:49 am  

Thanks avi!
It will probably be a little while before I contact you; I want to familiarize myself with the basics before I start asking any questions.

Robert Cee
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24/10/2014 12:04 am  

Hi Avi, I see you are still showing my creation here,"SOAPStone portrait", please make sure it's NOT marked as Gaetano's, in any way or by association with one's you post that are his....IT IS my Creation!!!,
Will negotiate prices on Stone and castings in bronze and indestructable liquid stone pieces I have currently available in the collection...if you wish contact me...

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24/10/2014 12:07 am  

Hi Robert,
I posted this long before I had contact with you, and thus, still was under the impression that the sculpture in question was done by Gaetano. Again, I apologize for this. I am no longer advertising the piece, nor selling it. 

Robert Cee
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24/10/2014 12:30 am  

Thanks for quick reply, understood, if you can just rename my piece, who ever told you it was my Grand uncle's needs to contact me asap.  They obviously were misinformed  Thanks,


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