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azurechicken (USA)
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03/11/2007 3:04 am  


Illustrious Member
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03/11/2007 4:11 am  

... explain this statement
... explain this statement

Illustrious Member
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03/11/2007 4:21 am  

Let's get back to normal design raving

Illustrious Member
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03/11/2007 4:25 am  

i for one want azurechicke...
i for one want azurechicken to explain
what is uncommon synergy

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
03/11/2007 5:13 am  

I think the usual design ravi...
I think the usual design raving has been driving people a bit mad with boredom lately, hence all these crazy posts we've had.
But as the starter of the Arabs and Rococco thread I don't think anything inflammatory needs to be to be read into it just becuase someone uses these words, I find the rudeness theres been lately more of an irritation.
Anyway, jews and gays and modernism, representing half of the equation and having been on inimitate terms with the other half (but not with Matisyahu, sadly) theres 2 factors I think that cause a bit of an over-representation (magnified by the lens of difference, to quote someone ) in the art and design sub-cultures, a sense of alienation and a little extra time or money on our hands.
I can only speak for myself but the 3 piece suite in a shopping mall serenaded by television never appealed to me, nothing unusual in that I'm sure but when people don't fit they look for a place where they can fit in and the 20th C. provided that, if they're lucky enough they'll find one, if the culture can't provide them with one...well look at any slum or Kosovo, Sudan, Palestine.
Gays and Jews thrive in a liberal democracy but what I fear is the complacency its bred, in everyone.
*having just looked up 'synergy' I now realise that if Matisyahu did move in with me we could have more of an effect on reggae and design then we ever could working alone, but he never calls.
Check out conduit menorah!

Illustrious Member
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03/11/2007 5:26 am  

what time is in down under ? it is 9:25 p.m. CDT here
in the middle of the United States of America,
soon to be Central Standard Time.....

Illustrious Member
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03/11/2007 5:37 am  

its 12.30, Saturday...
its 12.30, Saturday afternoon and very hot, time for a 2 minute cold shower, dontchya love global warming? When its hot, it doesn't rain and theres no water and turning on the airconditioner just makes it all worse.

Illustrious Member
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03/11/2007 6:35 am  

looks like a bunch of nic...
looks like a bunch of nice Jewish kids!
The little girl looks like my daughter
I almost did a double take, and i suppose she will come back with a picture just like that cause she is going to Israel the last week of December,
It does look like they hit home depot and the plumbing section for that version of a giant Menorah,
I guess with Hanukkah around the corner they will be ready, I just hope the damn thing does not burn as that would be a awful smell of burnt pvc, oh to be young again,
after looking at the picture again the Lubovich dude looks like he might be getting ready to kick ass and take names!!! u think

Illustrious Member
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03/11/2007 7:02 am  

I think looking closer it...
I think looking closer it might be plumbing steel, I've seen one of those before though, but never green like that.
I just like the one on the left.
Can we give Jesus back or do you guys have a no returns policy?

Illustrious Member
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03/11/2007 7:12 am  

he is yours..... he was ...
he is yours..... he was a design addict also
Although I have never seen any of his wood working
or the structures that he worked on, I am sure he was very talented with a hammer, as he had a hell of following like Eames,

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 636
03/11/2007 7:31 am  

He was yours first 🙂
He was yours first 🙂
If anyone wants to have a few cheap laughs at the expense of early christians try Gore Vidals 'Julian', so funny!

azurechicken (USA)
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06/11/2007 3:48 am  

Thank you HP and LRF...
I guess this idea/notion/thought is a little too complex?interesting?outre?How silly I am, HOW can it compete with wood grain direction,should my panties match my rug et al...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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06/11/2007 4:39 am  

Thank you HP and LRF...
I gu...
Thank you HP and LRF...
I guess this idea/notion/thought is a little too complex?interesting?outre?
How silly I am, HOW can it compete with wood grain direction,should my panties match my rug et al.
I for one wished that someone would have said something intelligent about t his subject as i wanted to know ,
interesting that you said GAYS ,JEWS and MODERN DESIGN:UNCOMMON SYNERGY ? what made you lump Gays, Jews,
together? not that i am offended in the least
me on the 2nd being on the half of that equation. I am sure your intention was not to offend any one, I am just surprised that you would feel that gays, jews and moderndesign would be uncommon synergy!! I would immange they would be common synegy,
With out steroetyping and offending the least person
It is a pretty know fact that Gay People are among the best designers, for the most part have wonderful taste, and are great architects, and are very talented people,
Jewish people who I can speak for and not worry about stereotyping and getting ones feeling hurt are a amazing religion. NOT RACE, although t hey get lumped many times as a race unto them self,
I bought the new Frank Lloyd Wright book yesterday that i talked about in another thread, after reading the book, I notice out of almost 100 homes that he designed in the late 40's till his death in 1959 90% were of Jewish sounding names Kaufman,Jacobs,Rosenbaum,Mossberg,Brown, Schaber,Berger, Kraus,Rubin, Geenberg,Hoffman,Ablin
I would assume that they were of the jewish persauation so that would tell me that this group was willing to take a change on a modern structure that would say something and by asking Frank Lloyd Wright to create
these unbelievable homes, They had a passion for modern design,
Lets get real if you were going to spend this kind of money in the late 40's to create this style of homes you had to have either a lot of money or really loved good modern.
In closing Gay Jewish modern Uncommon synergy No very common!! synergy. /White Anglo Protestant Country French very common synergy
I hope i made sense,

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
06/11/2007 4:42 am  

one other thing
one other thing
sometimes I feel this Design Addict forums name should be changed to
Helpful Hints from Hellouise

azurechicken (USA)
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1966
06/11/2007 5:26 am  

. in remarkable.Yes,an unusual number of gay people and jews who were seminal in promoting/creating modern design in the 20th century...

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